=head1 METHODS
-=head2 new($db_class, \%$attrs)
+=head2 new($source, \%$attrs)
-The resultset constructor. Takes a table class and an attribute hash
-(see below for more information on attributes). Does not perform
-any queries -- these are executed as needed by the other methods.
+The resultset constructor. Takes a source object (usually a DBIx::Class::Table)
+and an attribute hash (see below for more information on attributes). Does
+not perform any queries -- these are executed as needed by the other methods.
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
$attrs = { %{ $attrs || {} } };
my %seen;
- $attrs->{cols} ||= [ map { "me.$_" } $source->result_class->_select_columns ];
+ if (!$attrs->{select}) {
+ my @cols = ($attrs->{cols}
+ ? @{delete $attrs->{cols}}
+ : $source->result_class->_select_columns);
+ $attrs->{select} = [ map { m/\./ ? $_ : "me.$_" } @cols ];
+ }
+ $attrs->{as} ||= [ map { m/^me\.(.*)$/ ? $1 : $_ } @{$attrs->{select}} ];
+ #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper(@{$attrs}{qw/select as/});
$attrs->{from} ||= [ { 'me' => $source->name } ];
if ($attrs->{join}) {
foreach my $j (ref $attrs->{join} eq 'ARRAY'
foreach my $pre (@{$attrs->{prefetch} || []}) {
push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->result_class->_resolve_join($pre, 'me'))
unless $seen{$pre};
- push(@{$attrs->{cols}},
+ my @pre =
map { "$pre.$_" }
- $source->result_class->_relationships->{$pre}->{class}->columns);
+ $source->result_class->_relationships->{$pre}->{class}->columns;
+ push(@{$attrs->{select}}, @pre);
+ push(@{$attrs->{as}}, @pre);
my $new = {
source => $source,
result_class => $source->result_class,
- cols => $attrs->{cols},
cond => $attrs->{where},
from => $attrs->{from},
count => undef,
pager => undef,
attrs => $attrs };
bless ($new, $class);
- $new->pager if ($attrs->{page});
+ $new->pager if $attrs->{page};
return $new;
$attrs->{offset} = $self->pager->skipped;
return $self->{cursor}
- ||= $source->storage->select($self->{from}, $self->{cols},
+ ||= $source->storage->select($self->{from}, $attrs->{select},
sub _construct_object {
my ($self, @row) = @_;
- my @cols = @{ $self->{attrs}{cols} };
- s/^me\.// for @cols;
+ my @cols = @{ $self->{attrs}{as} };
+ #warn "@cols -> @row";
@cols = grep { /\(/ or ! /\./ } @cols;
my $new;
unless ($self->{attrs}{prefetch}) {
sub count {
my $self = shift;
return $self->search(@_)->count if @_ && defined $_[0];
- my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} } };
unless ($self->{count}) {
- # offset and order by are not needed to count
- delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/offset order_by/;
+ my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} },
+ select => [ 'COUNT(*)' ], as => [ 'count' ] };
+ # offset and order by are not needed to count, page, join and prefetch
+ # will get in the way (add themselves to from again ...)
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/offset order_by page join prefetch/;
my @cols = 'COUNT(*)';
- $self->{count} = $self->{source}->storage->select_single(
- $self->{from}, \@cols, $self->{cond}, $attrs);
+ ($self->{count}) = $self->search(undef, $attrs)->cursor->next;
return 0 unless $self->{count};
return $self->{pager}->entries_on_this_page if ($self->{pager});
- return ( $attrs->{rows} && $attrs->{rows} < $self->{count} )
- ? $attrs->{rows}
+ return ( $self->{attrs}->{rows} && $self->{attrs}->{rows} < $self->{count} )
+ ? $self->{attrs}->{rows}
: $self->{count};
through directly to SQL, so you can give e.g. C<foo DESC> for a
descending order.
-=head2 cols
+=head2 cols (arrayref)
+Shortcut to request a particular set of columns to be retrieved - adds
+'me.' onto the start of any column without a '.' in it and sets 'select'
+from that, then auto-populates 'as' from 'select' as normal
+=head2 select (arrayref)
+Indicates which columns should be selected from the storage
+=head2 as (arrayref)
-Which columns should be retrieved.
+Indicates column names for object inflation
=head2 join