+++ /dev/null
-package DBIx::Class::Validation;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw( DBIx::Class );
-use English qw( -no_match_vars );
-#local $^W = 0; # Silence C:D:I redefined sub errors.
-# Switched to C::D::Accessor which doesn't do this. Hate hate hate hate.
-our $VERSION = '0.01';
-__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata( 'validation_module' => 'FormValidator::Simple' );
-__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata( 'validation_profile' );
-__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata( 'validation_auto' => 1 );
-sub validation_module {
- my $class = shift;
- my $module = shift;
- eval("use $module");
- $class->throw_exception("Unable to load the validation module '$module' because $EVAL_ERROR") if ($EVAL_ERROR);
- $class->throw_exception("The '$module' module does not support the check method") if (!$module->can('check'));
- $class->_validation_module_accessor( $module );
-sub validation {
- my $class = shift;
- my %args = @_;
- $class->validation_module( $args{module} ) if (exists $args{module});
- $class->validation_profile( $args{profile} ) if (exists $args{profile});
- $class->validation_auto( $args{auto} ) if (exists $args{auto});
-sub validate {
- my $self = shift;
- my %data = $self->get_columns();
- my $module = $self->validation_module();
- my $profile = $self->validation_profile();
- my $result = $module->check( \%data => $profile );
- return $result if ($result->success());
- $self->throw_exception( $result );
-sub insert {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->validate if ($self->validation_auto());
- $self->next::method(@_);
-sub update {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->validate if ($self->validation_auto());
- $self->next::method(@_);
-=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::Validation - Validate all data before submitting to your database.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-In your base DBIC package:
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/... Validation/);
-And in your subclasses:
- __PACKAGE__->validation(
- module => 'FormValidator::Simple',
- profile => { ... },
- auto => 1,
- );
-And then somewhere else:
- eval{ $obj->validate() };
- if( my $results = $EVAL_ERROR ){
- ...
- }
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 validation
- __PACKAGE__->validation(
- module => 'FormValidator::Simple',
- profile => { ... },
- auto => 1,
- );
-Calls validation_module(), validation_profile(), and validation_auto() if the corresponding
-argument is defined.
-=head2 validation_module
- __PACKAGE__->validation_module('Data::FormValidator');
-Sets the validation module to use. Any module that supports a check() method just like
-Data::FormValidator's can be used here, such as FormValidator::Simple.
-Defaults to FormValidator::Simple.
-=head2 validation_profile
- __PACKAGE__->validation_profile(
- { ... }
- );
-Sets the profile that will be passed to the validation module.
-=head2 validation_auto
- __PACKAGE__->validation_auto( 1 );
-This flag, when enabled, causes any updates or inserts of the class
-to call validate() before actually executing.
-=head2 validate
- $obj->validate();
-Validates all the data in the object against the pre-defined validation
-module and profile. If there is a problem then a hard error will be
-thrown. If you put the validation in an eval you can capture whatever
-the module's check() method returned.
-=head2 auto_validate
- __PACKAGE__->auto_validate( 0 );
-Turns on and off auto-validation. This feature makes all UPDATEs and
-INSERTs call the validate() method before doing anything. The default
-is for auto-validation to be on.
-Defaults to on.
-The following methods are extended by this module:-
-=over 4
-=item insert
-=item update
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Aran C. Deltac <bluefeet@cpan.org>
-=head1 LICENSE
-You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.