bless $clone, (ref $self || $self);
- $clone->class_mappings({ %{$clone->class_mappings} });
- $clone->source_registrations({ %{$clone->source_registrations} });
- foreach my $moniker ($self->sources) {
- my $source = $self->source($moniker);
+ $clone->$_(undef) for qw/class_mappings source_registrations storage/;
+ $clone->_copy_state_from($self);
+ return $clone;
+# Needed in Schema::Loader - if you refactor, please make a compatibility shim
+# -- Caelum
+sub _copy_state_from {
+ my ($self, $from) = @_;
+ $self->class_mappings({ %{$from->class_mappings} });
+ $self->source_registrations({ %{$from->source_registrations} });
+ foreach my $moniker ($from->sources) {
+ my $source = $from->source($moniker);
my $new = $source->new($source);
# we use extra here as we want to leave the class_mappings as they are
# but overwrite the source_registrations entry with the new source
- $clone->register_extra_source($moniker => $new);
+ $self->register_extra_source($moniker => $new);
- $clone->storage->set_schema($clone) if $clone->storage;
- return $clone;
+ if ($from->storage) {
+ $self->storage($from->storage);
+ $self->storage->set_schema($self);
+ }
=head2 throw_exception