my $params = $config_from_file ? { %$config_from_file, %{$processed{params}} } : $processed{params};
+ # did the user request usage information?
+ if ( $processed{usage} && ($params->{'?'} or $params->{help} or $params->{usage}) )
+ {
+ $processed{usage}->die();
+ }
ARGV => $processed{argv_copy},
extra_argv => $processed{argv},
If L<Getopt::Long/GetOptions> fails (due to invalid arguments),
C<new_with_options> will throw an exception.
+If L<Getopt::Long::Descriptive> is installed and any of the following
+command line params are passed, the program will exit with usage
+information. You can add descriptions for each option by including a
+B<documentation> option for each attribute to document.
+ --?
+ --help
+ --usage
If you have L<Getopt::Long::Descriptive> a the C<usage> param is also passed to
Ryan D Johnson, E<lt>ryan@innerfence.comE<gt>
+Drew Taylor, E<lt>drew@drewtaylor.comE<gt>
Copyright 2007-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.