if [[ "$DEVREL_DEPS" != "true" ]] && ! CPAN_is_sane ; then
# no configure_requires - we will need the usual suspects anyway
# without pre-installing these in one pass things won't yet work
- installdeps ExtUtils::MakeMaker ExtUtils::CBuilder Module::Build
+ installdeps Module::Build
# (e.g. once Carp is upgraded there's no more Carp::Heavy,
# while a File::Path upgrade may cause a parallel EUMM run to fail)
- parallel_installdeps_notest ExtUtils::MakeMaker
parallel_installdeps_notest File::Path
parallel_installdeps_notest Carp
parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Build
- parallel_installdeps_notest File::Spec Data::Dumper Module::Runtime
+ parallel_installdeps_notest File::Spec Module::Runtime
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Exception Encode::Locale Test::Fatal
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Warn B::Hooks::EndOfScope Test::Differences HTTP::Status
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Pod::Coverage Test::EOL Devel::GlobalDestruction Sub::Name MRO::Compat Class::XSAccessor URI::Escape HTML::Entities
parallel_installdeps_notest YAML LWP Class::Trigger DateTime::Format::Builder Class::Accessor::Grouped Package::Variant
- parallel_installdeps_notest SQL::Abstract Moose Module::Install@1.15 JSON SQL::Translator File::Which
+ parallel_installdeps_notest SQL::Abstract Moose Module::Install@1.15 JSON SQL::Translator File::Which Class::DBI::Plugin
# the official version is very much outdated and does not compile on 5.14+
# use this rather updated source tree (needs to go to PAUSE):
# DBD::SQLite reasonably wants DBI at config time
perl -MDBI -e1 &>/dev/null || HARD_DEPS="DBI $HARD_DEPS"
- # this is a fucked CPAN - won't understand configure_requires of
- # various pieces we may run into
- # FIXME - need to get these off metacpan or something instead
- HARD_DEPS="ExtUtils::Depends B::Hooks::OP::Check $HARD_DEPS"