-use strict;\r
-use warnings;\r
-use Test::More;\r
-use DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI;\r
-use lib qw(t/lib);\r
-use DBICTest; # do not remove even though it is not used\r
-use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;\r
-plan tests => 8;\r
-my $sa = new DBIx::Class::SQLAHacks;\r
-$sa->limit_dialect( 'Top' );\r
-sub test_order {\r
- my $args = shift;\r
- my $order_by = $args->{order_by};\r
- my $expected_sql_order = $args->{expected_sql_order};\r
- my $query = $sa->select( 'foo', [qw{bar baz}], undef, {\r
- order_by => $order_by,\r
- }, 1, 3\r
- );\r
- is_same_sql(\r
- $query,\r
- "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ( SELECT TOP 4 bar,baz FROM foo ORDER BY $expected_sql_order->[0] ) AS foo ORDER BY $expected_sql_order->[1] ) AS bar ORDER BY $expected_sql_order->[0]",\r
- );\r
- test_order({ order_by => \'foo DESC' , expected_sql_order => [ 'foo DESC', 'foo ASC' ] });\r
- test_order({ order_by => 'foo' , expected_sql_order => [ 'foo ASC', 'foo DESC'] });\r
- test_order({ order_by => [ qw{ foo bar} ], expected_sql_order => [ 'foo ASC,bar ASC', 'foo DESC, bar DESC']});\r
- test_order({ order_by => { -asc => 'foo' }, expected_sql_order => [ 'foo ASC', 'foo DESC' ] });\r
- test_order({ order_by => { -desc => 'foo' }, expected_sql_order => [ 'foo DESC', 'foo ASC' ] });\r
- test_order({ order_by => ['foo', { -desc => 'bar' } ], expected_sql_order => [ 'foo ASC, bar DESC', 'foo DESC, bar ASC'] });\r
- test_order({ order_by => {-asc => [qw{ foo bar }] }, expected_sql_order => ['foo ASC, bar ASC', 'foo DESC, bar DESC' ] });\r
- test_order({ order_by =>\r
- [\r
- { -asc => 'foo' },\r
- { -desc => [qw{bar}] },\r
- { -asc => [qw{baz frew}]},\r
- ],\r
- expected_sql_order => ['foo ASC, bar DESC, baz ASC, frew ASC', 'foo DESC, bar ASC, baz DESC, frew DESC']\r
- });\r
- is_same_sql(\r
- $sa->select( 'foo', [qw{ bar baz}], undef, {\r
- group_by => 'bar',\r
- order_by => 'bar',\r
- }, 1, 3),\r
- "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ( SELECT TOP 4 bar,baz FROM foo ORDER BY bar ASC GROUP BY bar ) AS foo ORDER BY bar DESC ) AS bar ORDER BY bar ASC");\r
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
+# Trick the sqlite DB to use Top limit emulation
++# We could test all of this via $sq->$op directly,
++# but some conditions needs a $rsrc
+delete $schema->storage->_sql_maker->{_cached_syntax};
+$schema->storage->_sql_maker->limit_dialect ('Top');
+my $rs = $schema->resultset ('FourKeys')->search ({}, { rows => 1, offset => 3 });
+sub test_order {
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $req_order = $args->{order_req}
+ ? "ORDER BY $args->{order_req}"
+ : ''
+ ;
+ is_same_sql_bind(
+ $rs->search ({}, {order_by => $args->{order_by}})->as_query,
+ "(
+ SELECT TOP 4 me.foo, me.bar, me.hello, me.goodbye, me.sensors, me.read_count FROM fourkeys me ORDER BY $args->{order_inner}
+ ) foo ORDER BY $args->{order_outer}
+ ) bar
+ $req_order
+ )",
+ [],
+ );
+my @tests = (
+ {
+ order_by => \ 'foo DESC',
+ order_req => 'foo DESC',
+ order_inner => 'foo DESC',
+ order_outer => 'foo ASC'
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => { -asc => 'foo' },
+ order_req => 'foo ASC',
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => 'foo',
+ order_req => 'foo',
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => [ qw{ foo bar} ],
+ order_req => 'foo, bar',
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC,bar ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => { -desc => 'foo' },
+ order_req => 'foo DESC',
+ order_inner => 'foo DESC',
+ order_outer => 'foo ASC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => ['foo', { -desc => 'bar' } ],
+ order_req => 'foo, bar DESC',
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar DESC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar ASC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => { -asc => [qw{ foo bar }] },
+ order_req => 'foo ASC, bar ASC',
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => [
+ { -asc => 'foo' },
+ { -desc => [qw{bar}] },
+ { -asc => [qw{hello sensors}]},
+ ],
+ order_req => 'foo ASC, bar DESC, hello ASC, sensors ASC',
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar DESC, hello ASC, sensors ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar ASC, hello DESC, sensors DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => undef,
+ order_req => undef,
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar ASC, hello ASC, goodbye ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar DESC, hello DESC, goodbye DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => '',
+ order_req => undef,
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar ASC, hello ASC, goodbye ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar DESC, hello DESC, goodbye DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => {},
+ order_req => undef,
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar ASC, hello ASC, goodbye ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar DESC, hello DESC, goodbye DESC',
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => [],
+ order_req => undef,
+ order_inner => 'foo ASC, bar ASC, hello ASC, goodbye ASC',
+ order_outer => 'foo DESC, bar DESC, hello DESC, goodbye DESC',
+ },
- plan (tests => scalar @tests);
++plan (tests => scalar @tests + 1);
+test_order ($_) for @tests;
++is_same_sql_bind (
++ $rs->search ({}, { group_by => 'bar', order_by => 'bar' })->as_query,
++ '(
++ (
++ (
++ SELECT TOP 4 me.foo, me.bar, me.hello, me.goodbye, me.sensors, me.read_count FROM fourkeys me GROUP BY bar ORDER BY bar ASC
++ ) AS foo
++ ) AS bar
++ ORDER BY bar
++ )',
++ [],