* New Features / Changes
- Add quote_names connection option. When set to true automatically
sets quote_char and name_sep appropriate for your RDBMS
+ - Add retrieve_on_insert column info flag, allowing to retrieve any
+ column value instead of just autoinc primary keys
- All limit dialects (except for the older Top and FetchFirst) are
now using bind parameters for the limits/offsets, making DBI's
prepare_cached useful across paged resutsets
will attempt to retrieve the name of the sequence from the database
+=item retrieve_on_insert
+ { retrieve_on_insert => 1 }
+For every column where this is set to true, DBIC will retrieve the RDBMS-side
+value upon a new row insertion (normally only the autoincrement PK is
+retrieved on insert). C<INSERT ... RETURNING> is used automatically if
+supported by the underlying storage, otherwise an extra SELECT statement is
+executed to retrieve the missing data.
=item auto_nextval
+ { auto_nextval => 1 }
Set this to a true value for a column whose value is retrieved automatically
from a sequence or function (if supported by your Storage driver.) For a
sequence, if you do not use a trigger to get the nextval, you have to set the
warn "MC $self inserting (".join(', ', $self->get_columns).")\n";
+ # perform the insert - the storage will return everything it is asked to
+ # (autoinc primary columns and any retrieve_on_insert columns)
my %current_rowdata = $self->get_columns;
- # perform the insert - the storage may return some stuff for us right there
- #
my $returned_cols = $storage->insert(
- \%current_rowdata,
+ { %current_rowdata }, # what to insert, copy because the storage *will* change it
for (keys %$returned_cols) {
- $self->store_column(
- $_,
- ( $current_rowdata{$_} = $returned_cols->{$_} )
- );
- }
- # see if any of the pcols still need filling (or re-querying in case of scalarrefs)
- my @missing_pri = grep
- { ! defined $current_rowdata{$_} or ref $current_rowdata{$_} eq 'SCALAR' }
- $self->primary_columns
- ;
- if (@missing_pri) {
- MULTICREATE_DEBUG and warn "MC $self fetching missing PKs ".join(', ', @missing_pri )."\n";
- $self->throw_exception( "Missing primary key but Storage doesn't support last_insert_id" )
- unless $storage->can('last_insert_id');
- my @pri_values = $storage->last_insert_id($self->result_source, @missing_pri);
- $self->throw_exception( "Can't get last insert id" )
- unless (@pri_values == @missing_pri);
- $self->store_column($missing_pri[$_] => $pri_values[$_]) for 0 .. $#missing_pri;
+ $self->store_column($_, $returned_cols->{$_})
+ # this ensures we fire store_column only once
+ # (some asshats like overriding it)
+ if (
+ (! defined $current_rowdata{$_})
+ or
+ ( $current_rowdata{$_} ne $returned_cols->{$_})
+ );
$self->{_dirty_columns} = {};
! exists $to_insert->{$col}
ref $to_insert->{$col} eq 'SCALAR'
+ or
+ (ref $to_insert->{$col} eq 'REF' and ref ${$to_insert->{$col}} eq 'ARRAY')
) {
$values{$col} = $self->_sequence_fetch(
my $prefetched_values = $self->_prefetch_autovalues($source, $to_insert);
- # fuse the values
+ # fuse the values, but keep a separate list of prefetched_values so that
+ # they can be fused once again with the final return
$to_insert = { %$to_insert, %$prefetched_values };
- # list of primary keys we try to fetch from the database
- # both not-exsists and scalarrefs are considered
- my %fetch_pks;
- for ($source->primary_columns) {
- $fetch_pks{$_} = scalar keys %fetch_pks # so we can preserve order for prettyness
- if ! exists $to_insert->{$_} or ref $to_insert->{$_} eq 'SCALAR';
- }
+ my $col_infos = $source->columns_info;
+ my %pcols = map { $_ => 1 } $source->primary_columns;
+ my %retrieve_cols;
+ for my $col ($source->columns) {
+ # nothing to retrieve when explicit values are supplied
+ next if (defined $to_insert->{$col} and ! (
+ ref $to_insert->{$col} eq 'SCALAR'
+ or
+ (ref $to_insert->{$col} eq 'REF' and ref ${$to_insert->{$col}} eq 'ARRAY')
+ ));
+ # the 'scalar keys' is a trick to preserve the ->columns declaration order
+ $retrieve_cols{$col} = scalar keys %retrieve_cols if (
+ $pcols{$col}
+ or
+ $col_infos->{$col}{retrieve_on_insert}
+ );
+ };
my ($sqla_opts, @ir_container);
- if ($self->_use_insert_returning) {
+ if (%retrieve_cols and $self->_use_insert_returning) {
+ $sqla_opts->{returning_container} = \@ir_container
+ if $self->_use_insert_returning_bound;
- # retain order as declared in the resultsource
- for (sort { $fetch_pks{$a} <=> $fetch_pks{$b} } keys %fetch_pks ) {
- push @{$sqla_opts->{returning}}, $_;
- $sqla_opts->{returning_container} = \@ir_container
- if $self->_use_insert_returning_bound;
- }
+ $sqla_opts->{returning} = [
+ sort { $retrieve_cols{$a} <=> $retrieve_cols{$b} } keys %retrieve_cols
+ ];
my ($rv, $sth) = $self->_execute('insert', $source, $to_insert, $sqla_opts);
- my %returned_cols;
- if (my $retlist = $sqla_opts->{returning}) {
+ my %returned_cols = %$to_insert;
+ if (my $retlist = $sqla_opts->{returning}) { # if IR is supported - we will get everything in one set
@ir_container = try {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
my @r = $sth->fetchrow_array;
@returned_cols{@$retlist} = @ir_container if @ir_container;
+ else {
+ # pull in PK if needed and then everything else
+ if (my @missing_pri = grep { $pcols{$_} } keys %retrieve_cols) {
+ $self->throw_exception( "Missing primary key but Storage doesn't support last_insert_id" )
+ unless $self->can('last_insert_id');
+ my @pri_values = $self->last_insert_id($source, @missing_pri);
+ $self->throw_exception( "Can't get last insert id" )
+ unless (@pri_values == @missing_pri);
+ @returned_cols{@missing_pri} = @pri_values;
+ delete $retrieve_cols{$_} for @missing_pri;
+ }
+ # if there is more left to pull
+ if (%retrieve_cols) {
+ $self->throw_exception(
+ 'Unable to retrieve additional columns without a Primary Key on ' . $source->source_name
+ ) unless %pcols;
+ my @left_to_fetch = sort { $retrieve_cols{$a} <=> $retrieve_cols{$b} } keys %retrieve_cols;
+ my $cur = DBIx::Class::ResultSet->new($source, {
+ where => { map { $_ => $returned_cols{$_} } (keys %pcols) },
+ select => \@left_to_fetch,
+ })->cursor;
+ @returned_cols{@left_to_fetch} = $cur->next;
+ $self->throw_exception('Duplicate row returned for PK-search after fresh insert')
+ if scalar $cur->next;
+ }
+ }
return { %$prefetched_values, %returned_cols };
sub insert_bulk {
my ($self, $source, $cols, $data) = @_;
return $data_type =~ $GUID_TYPE;
-sub insert {
+sub _prefetch_autovalues {
my $self = shift;
my ($source, $to_insert) = @_;
my %guid_cols;
my @pk_cols = $source->primary_columns;
- my %pk_cols;
- @pk_cols{@pk_cols} = ();
+ my %pk_col_idx;
+ @pk_col_idx{@pk_cols} = ();
my @pk_guids = grep {
$col_info->{$_}{data_type} =~ $GUID_TYPE
- } grep { not exists $pk_cols{$_} } $source->columns;
+ } grep { not exists $pk_col_idx{$_} } $source->columns;
my @get_guids_for =
grep { not exists $to_insert->{$_} } (@pk_guids, @auto_guids);
- my $updated_cols = {};
for my $guid_col (@get_guids_for) {
my $new_guid;
if (ref $guid_method eq 'CODE') {
- $new_guid = $guid_method->();
+ $to_insert->{$guid_col} = $guid_method->();
else {
- ($new_guid) = $self->_get_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT $guid_method");
+ ($to_insert->{$guid_col}) = $self->_get_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT $guid_method");
- $updated_cols->{$guid_col} = $to_insert->{$guid_col} = $new_guid;
- $updated_cols = { %$updated_cols, %{ $self->next::method(@_) } };
- return $updated_cols;
+ return $self->next::method(@_);
=head1 AUTHOR
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+my $rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist');
+my $obj;
+lives_ok { $obj = $rs->create ({ name => 'artistA' }) } 'Default insert successful';
+is ($obj->rank, undef, 'Without retrieve_on_insert, check rank');
+ '+rank' => { retrieve_on_insert => 1 }
+lives_ok { $obj = $rs->create ({ name => 'artistB' }) } 'Default insert successful';
+is ($obj->rank, 13, 'With retrieve_on_insert, check rank');
data_type => 'integer',
is_auto_increment => 1,
+ 'default_value_col' => {
+ data_type => 'varchar',
+ size => 100,
+ is_nullable => 0,
+ retrieve_on_insert => 1,
+ }
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/ artistid autoinc_col /);
is( $new->artistid, 3, "Oracle Auto-PK worked with fully-qualified tablename" );
is( $new->autoinc_col, 1000, "Oracle Auto-Inc overruled with fully-qualified tablename");
+ is( $new->default_value_col, 'default_value', $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning
+ ? 'Check retrieve_on_insert on default_value_col with INSERT ... RETURNING'
+ : 'Check retrieve_on_insert on default_value_col without INSERT ... RETURNING'
+ );
skip 'not detecting sequences when using INSERT ... RETURNING', 1
if $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning;
} 'with_deferred_fk_checks code survived';
is eval { $schema->resultset('Track')->find(999)->title }, 'deferred FK track',
- 'code in with_deferred_fk_checks worked';
+ 'code in with_deferred_fk_checks worked';
throws_ok {
skip 'not detecting cross-schema sequence name when using INSERT ... RETURNING', 1
if $schema->storage->_use_insert_returning;
- # Oracle8i Reference Release 2 (8.1.6)
+ # Oracle8i Reference Release 2 (8.1.6)
# http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/A87860_01/doc/server.817/a76961/ch294.htm#993
# Oracle Database Reference 10g Release 2 (10.2)
# http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/statviews_2107.htm#sthref1297
# grand select privileges to the 2nd user
$dbh->do("GRANT INSERT ON ${q}artist${q} TO " . uc $user2);
+ $dbh->do("GRANT SELECT ON ${q}artist${q} TO " . uc $user2);
$dbh->do("GRANT SELECT ON ${q}artist_pk_seq${q} TO " . uc $user2);
$dbh->do("GRANT SELECT ON ${q}artist_autoinc_seq${q} TO " . uc $user2);
# this one is always unquoted as per manually specified sequence =>
$dbh->do("CREATE SEQUENCE pkid2_seq START WITH 10 MAXVALUE 999999 MINVALUE 0");
- $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}artist${q} (${q}artistid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}name${q} VARCHAR(255), ${q}autoinc_col${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}rank${q} NUMBER(38), ${q}charfield${q} VARCHAR2(10))");
+ $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}artist${q} (${q}artistid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}name${q} VARCHAR(255),${q}default_value_col${q} VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'default_value', ${q}autoinc_col${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}rank${q} NUMBER(38), ${q}charfield${q} VARCHAR2(10))");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE ${q}artist${q} ADD (CONSTRAINT ${q}artist_pk${q} PRIMARY KEY (${q}artistid${q}))");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ${q}sequence_test${q} (${q}pkid1${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}pkid2${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}nonpkid${q} NUMBER(12), ${q}name${q} VARCHAR(255))");