use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
-plan tests => 98;
+plan tests => 120;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Schema populate Tests
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ## Test to make sure that the old $schema->populate is using the new method
+ ## for $resultset->populate when in void context and with sub objects.
+ $schema->populate('Artist', [
+ [qw/name cds/],
+ ["001First Artist", [
+ {title=>"001Title1", year=>2000},
+ {title=>"001Title2", year=>2001},
+ {title=>"001Title3", year=>2002},
+ ]],
+ ["002Second Artist", []],
+ ["003Third Artist", [
+ {title=>"003Title1", year=>2005},
+ ]],
+ ]);
+ isa_ok $schema, 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
+ my ($artist1, $artist2, $artist3) = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ name=>["001First Artist","002Second Artist","003Third Artist"]},
+ {order_by=>'name ASC'})->all;
+ isa_ok $artist1, 'DBICTest::Artist';
+ isa_ok $artist2, 'DBICTest::Artist';
+ isa_ok $artist3, 'DBICTest::Artist';
+ ok $artist1->name eq '001First Artist', "Got Expected Artist Name for Artist001";
+ ok $artist2->name eq '002Second Artist', "Got Expected Artist Name for Artist002";
+ ok $artist3->name eq '003Third Artist', "Got Expected Artist Name for Artist003";
+ ok $artist1->cds->count eq 3, "Got Right number of CDs for Artist1";
+ ok $artist2->cds->count eq 0, "Got Right number of CDs for Artist2";
+ ok $artist3->cds->count eq 1, "Got Right number of CDs for Artist3";
+ my ($cd1, $cd2, $cd3) = $artist1->cds->search(undef, {order_by=>'year ASC'});
+ isa_ok $cd1, 'DBICTest::CD';
+ isa_ok $cd2, 'DBICTest::CD';
+ isa_ok $cd3, 'DBICTest::CD';
+ ok $cd1->year == 2000;
+ ok $cd2->year == 2001;
+ ok $cd3->year == 2002;
+ ok $cd1->title eq '001Title1';
+ ok $cd2->title eq '001Title2';
+ ok $cd3->title eq '001Title3';
+ }
+ my ($cd1) = $artist3->cds->search(undef, {order_by=>'year ASC'});
+ isa_ok $cd1, 'DBICTest::CD';
+ ok $cd1->year == 2005;
+ ok $cd1->title eq '003Title1';
+ }
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Array context tests
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------