use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 9;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Trap;
use Test::NoWarnings 1.04 ':early';
with 'MooseX::Getopt';
has foo => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'ro', documentation => 'A foo' );
- our $usage = 0;
- before _getopt_full_usage => sub { $usage++; };
- our @warnings;
- before _getopt_spec_warnings => sub { shift; push(@warnings, @_) };
- our @exception;
- before _getopt_spec_exception => sub { shift; push(@exception, @{ shift() }, shift()) };
+# FIXME - it looks like we have a spacing issue in Getopt::Long?
+my $usage = <<USAGE;
+usage: 104_override_usage.t [-?h] [long options...]
+\t-h -? --usage --help Prints this usage information.
+\t--foo A foo
- local $MyScript::usage; local @MyScript::warnings; local @MyScript::exception;
local @ARGV = ('--foo', '1');
- my $i = MyScript->new_with_options;
- ok $i;
- is $i->foo, 1;
- is $MyScript::usage, undef;
+ my $i = trap { MyScript->new_with_options };
+ is($i->foo, 1, 'attr is set');
+ is($trap->stdout, '', 'nothing printed when option is accepted');
- local $MyScript::usage; local @MyScript::warnings; local @MyScript::exception;
local @ARGV = ('--help');
trap { MyScript->new_with_options };
- like($trap->stdout, qr/A foo/);
- is $MyScript::usage, 1;
+ is($trap->stdout, $usage, 'usage is printed on --help');
- local $MyScript::usage; local @MyScript::warnings; local @MyScript::exception;
local @ARGV = ('-q'); # Does not exist
trap { MyScript->new_with_options };
- like($trap->die, qr/A foo/);
- is_deeply \@MyScript::warnings, [
- 'Unknown option: q
- ];
- # FIXME - it looks like we have a spacing issue in Getopt::Long?
- my $exp = [
- 'Unknown option: q
- qq{usage: 104_override_usage.t [-?h] [long options...]
-\t-h -? --usage --help Prints this usage information.
-\t--foo A foo
- ];
- is_deeply \@MyScript::exception, $exp;
+ is($trap->die, join("\n", 'Unknown option: q', $usage), 'usage is printed on unknown option');