$call_cond = { @_ };
+ if (blessed($call_cond) and $call_cond->isa('Data::Query::ExprBuilder')) {
+ $call_cond = \$call_cond->{expr};
+ }
# see if we can keep the cache (no $rs changes)
my $cache;
my %safe = (alias => 1, cache => 1);
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Warn;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
+use Data::Query::ExprDeclare;
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+my $mccrae = $schema->resultset('Artist')
+ ->find({ name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' });
+my @cds = $schema->resultset('CD')
+ ->search(expr { $_->artist == $mccrae->artistid });
+is(@cds, 3, 'CDs returned from expr search by artistid');
+my @years = $schema->resultset('CD')
+ ->search(expr { $_->year < 2000 })
+ ->get_column('year')
+ ->all;
+is_deeply([ sort @years ], [ 1997, 1998, 1999 ], 'Years for < search');
+my $tag_cond = expr { $_->tag eq 'Blue' };
+is($schema->resultset('Tag')->search($tag_cond)->count, 4, 'Simple tag cond');
+$tag_cond &= expr { $_->cd < 4 };
+is($schema->resultset('Tag')->search($tag_cond)->count, 3, 'Combi tag cond');