$schema->resultset('CD')->create({ artist => 1, title => 'dealbroker no tracks', year => 2001 });
+ my $yp1 = \[ 'year + ?', 1 ];
my $rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search (
{ 'artist.name' => { '!=', 'evancarrol' }, 'tracks.trackid' => { '!=', undef } },
order_by => 'me.year',
join => [qw(artist tracks)],
- columns => [ 'year', { cnt => { count => 'me.cdid' }} ],
+ columns => [
+ 'year',
+ { cnt => { count => 'me.cdid' } },
+ { year_plus_one => $yp1 },
+ ],
my $rstypes = {
- 'explicitly grouped' => $rs->search_rs({}, { group_by => 'year' }),
+ 'explicitly grouped' => $rs->search_rs({}, { group_by => [ 'year', $yp1 ] } ),
'implicitly grouped' => $rs->search_rs({}, { distinct => 1 }),
# would silently drop the group_by entirely, likely ending up with nonsensival results
# With the current behavior the user will at least get a nice fat exception from the
# RDBMS (or maybe the RDBMS will even decide to handle the situation sensibly...)
- warnings_exist { is_same_sql_bind(
- $rstypes->{'implicitly grouped'}->get_column('cnt')->as_query,
- '(
- SELECT COUNT( me.cdid )
- FROM cd me
- JOIN artist artist
- ON artist.artistid = me.artist
- LEFT JOIN track tracks
- ON tracks.cd = me.cdid
- WHERE artist.name != ? AND tracks.trackid IS NOT NULL
- GROUP BY COUNT( me.cdid )
- ORDER BY MIN(me.year)
- )',
- [ [ { dbic_colname => 'artist.name', sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100 }
- => 'evancarrol'
- ] ],
- 'Expected (though nonsensical) SQL generated on rscol-with-distinct-over-function',
- ) } qr/
- \QUse of distinct => 1 while selecting anything other than a column \E
- \Qdeclared on the primary ResultSource is deprecated\E
- /x, 'deprecation warning';
+ for (
+ [ cnt => 'COUNT( me.cdid )' ],
+ [ year_plus_one => 'year + ?' => [ {} => 1 ] ],
+ ) {
+ my ($col, $sel_grp_sql, @sel_grp_bind) = @$_;
+ warnings_exist { is_same_sql_bind(
+ $rstypes->{'implicitly grouped'}->get_column($col)->as_query,
+ "(
+ SELECT $sel_grp_sql
+ FROM cd me
+ JOIN artist artist
+ ON artist.artistid = me.artist
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cd = me.cdid
+ WHERE artist.name != ? AND tracks.trackid IS NOT NULL
+ GROUP BY $sel_grp_sql
+ ORDER BY MIN(me.year)
+ )",
+ [
+ @sel_grp_bind,
+ [ { dbic_colname => 'artist.name', sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100 }
+ => 'evancarrol' ],
+ @sel_grp_bind,
+ ],
+ 'Expected (though nonsensical) SQL generated on rscol-with-distinct-over-function',
+ ) } qr/
+ \QUse of distinct => 1 while selecting anything other than a column \E
+ \Qdeclared on the primary ResultSource is deprecated (you selected '$col')\E
+ /x, 'deprecation warning';
+ }
local $TODO = 'multiplying join leaks through to the count aggregate... this may never actually work';