if( @_ ) {
my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
+ my $having = delete $attrs->{having};
if (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH') {
$attrs = { %$attrs, %{ pop(@_) } };
$attrs->{where} = $where;
+ if (defined $having) {
+ $having = (defined $attrs->{having}
+ ? { '-and' =>
+ [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? [ -or => $_ ] : $_ }
+ $having, $attrs->{having} ] }
+ : $having);
+ $attrs->{having} = $having;
+ }
$rs = (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $attrs);
else {
if @{ $self->get_cache };
my $group_by;
my $select = { 'count' => '*' };
- if( $group_by = delete $self->{attrs}{group_by} ) {
+ my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} } };
+ if( $group_by = delete $attrs->{group_by} ) {
+ delete $attrs->{having};
my @distinct = (ref $group_by ? @$group_by : ($group_by));
# todo: try CONCAT for multi-column pk
my @pk = $self->result_source->primary_columns;
if( scalar(@pk) == 1 ) {
my $pk = shift(@pk);
- my $alias = $self->{attrs}{alias};
+ my $alias = $attrs->{alias};
my $re = qr/^($alias\.)?$pk$/;
foreach my $column ( @distinct) {
if( $column =~ $re ) {
#use Data::Dumper; die Dumper $select;
- my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} },
- select => $select,
- as => [ 'count' ] };
+ $attrs->{select} = $select;
+ $attrs->{as} = [ 'count' ];
# offset, order by and page are not needed to count. record_filter is cdbi
delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/rows offset order_by page pager record_filter/;
($self->{count}) = (ref $self)->new($self->result_source, $attrs)->cursor->next;
- $self->{attrs}{group_by} = $group_by;
return 0 unless $self->{count};
my $count = $self->{count};
sub select {
my ($self, $table, $fields, $where, $order, @rest) = @_;
@rest = (-1) unless defined $rest[0];
- $self->SUPER::select($table, $self->_recurse_fields($fields),
- $where, $order, @rest);
+ local $self->{having_bind} = [];
+ my ($sql, @ret) = $self->SUPER::select($table,
+ $self->_recurse_fields($fields), $where, $order, @rest);
+ return wantarray ? ($sql, @ret, @{$self->{having_bind}}) : $sql;
sub _emulate_limit {
sub _order_by {
my $self = shift;
my $ret = '';
+ my @extra;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
if (defined $_[0]->{group_by}) {
$ret = $self->_sqlcase(' group by ')
+ if (defined $_[0]->{having}) {
+ my $frag;
+ ($frag, @extra) = $self->_recurse_where($_[0]->{having});
+ push(@{$self->{having_bind}}, @extra);
+ $ret .= $self->_sqlcase(' having ').$frag;
+ }
if (defined $_[0]->{order_by}) {
$ret .= $self->SUPER::_order_by($_[0]->{order_by});
if (ref $condition eq 'SCALAR') {
$order = $1 if $$condition =~ s/ORDER BY (.*)$//i;
- if (exists $attrs->{group_by}) {
+ if (exists $attrs->{group_by} || $attrs->{having}) {
$order = { group_by => $attrs->{group_by},
+ having => $attrs->{having},
($order ? (order_by => $order) : ()) };
my @args = ('select', $attrs->{bind}, $ident, $select, $condition, $order);
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan $@
? ( skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' )
- : ( tests => 41 );
+ : ( tests => 42 );
# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
cmp_ok( $rs->count, '==', 3, "count() ok after group_by on related column" );
-$rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search(
+$rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
- { join => [qw/ artist /], group_by => [qw/ artist.name /], having =>{ 'MAX(cd.id)'=>{'<',5 } } }
+ { join => [qw/ cds /], group_by => [qw/ me.name /], having =>{ 'MAX(cds.cdid)'=>{'<',5 } } }
-SKIP: {
- skip "SQLite < 3.2.6 doesn't understand COUNT(DISTINCT())", 1
- if $is_broken_sqlite;
- cmp_ok( $rs->count, '==', 2, "count() ok after group_by on related column with a having" );
+cmp_ok( $rs->all, '==', 2, "results ok after group_by on related column with a having" );
-$rs = $rs->search( {1=>1}, { having =>{ 'count(*)'=>{'>',2 } }});
+$rs = $rs->search( undef, { having =>{ 'count(*)'=>{'>',2 } }});
-SKIP: {
- skip "SQLite < 3.2.6 doesn't understand COUNT(DISTINCT())", 1
- if $is_broken_sqlite;
- cmp_ok( $rs->count, '==', 1, "count() ok after group_by on related column with a having" );
+cmp_ok( $rs->all, '==', 1, "count() ok after group_by on related column with a having" );
$rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ 'cds.title' => 'Spoonful of bees',