- Disable auto_help config in Getopt::Long, to avoid calling into
pod2usage when the --help option is used while MooseX::ConfigFromFile
is in use (the intent is just to fetch the value of the configfile
- option). (RT#57683)
+ option). (RT#57683) (Karen Etheridge)
0.29 Tue. Jun 15 2010
* Fix repository metadata. Thanks Robert Bohne for noticing!
-use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use Test::Warn;
+use Test::Exception;
ok(!$fail_on_exit, 'getoptions() lives');
@ARGV = ('--help');
+warning_like {
+ throws_ok { Class->new_with_options }
+ qr/^usage: [\d\w]+\Q.t [long options...]\E.\t--configfile\s*.\t--help/ms,
+ 'usage information looks good';
+ }
+ qr/^Specified configfile \'this_value_unimportant\' does not exist, is empty, or is not readable$/,
+ 'Our dummy config file doesn\'t exist';