--- /dev/null
+package Text::Tradition::Directory;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Moose;
+use DBI;
+use Encode qw/ encode decode_utf8 /;
+use KiokuDB::GC::Naive;
+use KiokuDB::TypeMap;
+use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive;
+use Safe::Isa;
+use Text::Tradition::Error;
+## users
+use KiokuX::User::Util qw(crypt_password);
+use Text::Tradition::Store;
+use Text::Tradition::User;
+use Text::Tradition::TypeMap::Entry;
+extends 'KiokuX::Model';
+use vars qw/ $VERSION /;
+$VERSION = "1.2";
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Tradition::Directory - a KiokuDB interface for storing and retrieving
+traditions and their owners
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Text::Tradition::Directory;
+ my $d = Text::Tradition::Directory->new(
+ 'dsn' => 'dbi:SQLite:mytraditions.db',
+ 'extra_args' => { 'create' => 1 },
+ );
+ my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new( @args );
+ my $stemma = $tradition->add_stemma( dotfile => $dotfile ); # if Analysis module installed
+ $d->save_tradition( $tradition );
+ foreach my $id ( $d->traditions ) {
+ print $d->tradition( $id )->name;
+ }
+ ## Users:
+ my $userstore = Text::Tradition::UserStore->new(dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:foo.db');
+ my $newuser = $userstore->add_user({ username => 'fred',
+ password => 'somepassword' });
+ my $fetchuser = $userstore->find_user({ username => 'fred' });
+ if($fetchuser->check_password('somepassword')) {
+ ## login user or .. whatever
+ }
+ my $user = $userstore->deactivate_user({ username => 'fred' });
+ if(!$user->active) {
+ ## shouldnt be able to login etc
+ }
+Text::Tradition::Directory is an interface for storing and retrieving text
+traditions and all their data, including an associated stemma hypothesis
+and a user who has ownership rights to the tradition data. It is an
+instantiation of a KiokuDB::Model, storing traditions and associated
+stemmas by UUID.
+The Text::Tradition::Directory package also includes the
+L<Text::Tradition::User> class for user objects, and the
+L<Text::Tradition::Ownership> role which extends the Text::Tradition class
+to handle user ownership.
+=head2 MIN_PASS_LEN
+Constant for the minimum password length when validating passwords,
+defaults to "8".
+has MIN_PASS_LEN => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => sub { 8 } );
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+Returns a Directory object.
+=head2 traditionlist
+Returns a hashref mapping of ID => name for all traditions in the directory.
+=head2 tradition( $id )
+Returns the Text::Tradition object of the given ID.
+=head2 save( $tradition )
+Writes the given tradition to the database, returning its ID.
+=head2 delete( $tradition )
+Deletes the given tradition object from the database.
+WARNING!! Garbage collection does not yet work. Use this sparingly.
+=begin testing
+use TryCatch;
+use File::Temp;
+use Safe::Isa;
+use Text::Tradition;
+use_ok 'Text::Tradition::Directory';
+my $fh = File::Temp->new();
+my $file = $fh->filename;
+my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$file";
+my $uuid;
+my $user = 'user@example.org';
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'Tabular',
+ 'file' => 't/data/simple.txt',
+ );
+my $stemma_enabled = $t->can( 'add_stemma' );
+ my $d = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( 'dsn' => $dsn,
+ 'extra_args' => { 'create' => 1 } );
+ ok( $d->$_isa('Text::Tradition::Directory'), "Got directory object" );
+ my $scope = $d->new_scope;
+ $uuid = $d->save( $t );
+ ok( $uuid, "Saved test tradition" );
+ # Add a test user
+ my $user = $d->add_user({ username => $user, password => 'UserPass' });
+ $user->add_tradition( $t );
+ $d->store( $user );
+ is( $t->user, $user, "Assigned tradition to test user" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Analysis package not installed", 5 unless $stemma_enabled;
+ my $s = $t->add_stemma( dotfile => 't/data/simple.dot' );
+ ok( $d->save( $t ), "Updated tradition with stemma" );
+ is( $d->tradition( $uuid ), $t, "Correct tradition returned for id" );
+ is( $d->tradition( $uuid )->stemma(0), $s, "...and it has the correct stemma" );
+ try {
+ $d->save( $s );
+ } catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ is( $e->ident, 'database error', "Got exception trying to save stemma directly" );
+ like( $e->message, qr/Cannot directly save non-Tradition object/,
+ "Exception has correct message" );
+ }
+ }
+my $nt = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'CX',
+ 'input' => 'CollateX',
+ 'file' => 't/data/Collatex-16.xml',
+ );
+ok( $nt->$_isa('Text::Tradition'), "Made new tradition" );
+ my $f = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( 'dsn' => $dsn );
+ my $scope = $f->new_scope;
+ is( scalar $f->traditionlist, 1, "Directory index has our tradition" );
+ my $nuuid = $f->save( $nt );
+ ok( $nuuid, "Stored second tradition" );
+ my @tlist = $f->traditionlist;
+ is( scalar @tlist, 2, "Directory index has both traditions" );
+ my $tf = $f->tradition( $uuid );
+ my( $tlobj ) = grep { $_->{'id'} eq $uuid } @tlist;
+ is( $tlobj->{'name'}, $tf->name, "Directory index has correct tradition name" );
+ is( $tf->name, $t->name, "Retrieved the tradition from a new directory" );
+ my $sid;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Analysis package not installed", 4 unless $stemma_enabled;
+ $sid = $f->object_to_id( $tf->stemma(0) );
+ try {
+ $f->tradition( $sid );
+ } catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ is( $e->ident, 'database error', "Got exception trying to fetch stemma directly" );
+ like( $e->message, qr/not a Text::Tradition/, "Exception has correct message" );
+ }
+ try {
+ $f->delete( $sid );
+ } catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ is( $e->ident, 'database error', "Got exception trying to delete stemma directly" );
+ like( $e->message, qr/Cannot directly delete non-Tradition object/,
+ "Exception has correct message" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Set TEST_DELETION in env to test DB deletion functionality", 3
+ $f->delete( $uuid );
+ ok( !$f->exists( $uuid ), "Object is deleted from DB" );
+ ok( !$f->exists( $sid ), "Object stemma also deleted from DB" ) if $stemma_enabled;
+ is( scalar $f->traditionlist, 1, "Object is deleted from index" );
+ }
+ my $g = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( 'dsn' => $dsn );
+ my $scope = $g->new_scope;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Set TEST_DELETION in env to test DB deletion functionality", 1
+ is( scalar $g->traditionlist, 1, "Now one object in new directory index" );
+ }
+ my $ntobj = $g->tradition( 'CX' );
+ my @w1 = sort { $a->sigil cmp $b->sigil } $ntobj->witnesses;
+ my @w2 = sort{ $a->sigil cmp $b->sigil } $nt->witnesses;
+ is_deeply( \@w1, \@w2, "Looked up remaining tradition by name" );
+=end testing
+use Text::Tradition::TypeMap::Entry;
+has +typemap => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'KiokuDB::TypeMap',
+ default => sub {
+ KiokuDB::TypeMap->new(
+ isa_entries => {
+ # now that we fall back to YAML deflation, all attributes of
+ # Text::Tradition will be serialized to YAML as individual objects
+ # Except if we declare a specific entry type here
+ "Text::Tradition" =>
+ KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP->new(),
+ # We need users to be naive entries so that they hold
+ # references to the original tradition objects, not clones
+ "Text::Tradition::User" =>
+ KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP->new(),
+ "Text::Tradition::Collation" =>
+ KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP->new(),
+ "Text::Tradition::Witness" =>
+ KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP->new(),
+ "Graph" => Text::Tradition::TypeMap::Entry->new(),
+ "Set::Scalar" => Text::Tradition::TypeMap::Entry->new(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+has '_mysql_utf8_hack' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Bool',
+ default => undef,
+# Push some columns into the extra_args
+around BUILDARGS => sub {
+ my $orig = shift;
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $args;
+ if( @_ == 1 ) {
+ $args = $_[0];
+ } else {
+ $args = { @_ };
+ }
+ my @column_args;
+ if( $args->{'dsn'} =~ /^dbi:(\w+):/ ) { # We're using Backend::DBI
+ my $dbtype = $1;
+ @column_args = ( 'columns',
+ [ 'name' => { 'data_type' => 'varchar', 'is_nullable' => 1 },
+ 'public' => { 'data_type' => 'bool', 'is_nullable' => 1 } ] );
+ if( $dbtype eq 'mysql' &&
+ exists $args->{extra_args}->{dbi_attrs} &&
+ $args->{extra_args}->{dbi_attrs}->{mysql_enable_utf8} ) {
+ # There is a bad interaction with MySQL in utf-8 mode.
+ # Work around it here.
+ # TODO fix the underlying storage problem
+ $args->{extra_args}->{dbi_attrs}->{mysql_enable_utf8} = undef;
+ $args->{_mysql_utf8_hack} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $ea = $args->{'extra_args'};
+ if( ref( $ea ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ push( @$ea, @column_args );
+ } elsif( ref( $ea ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $ea = { %$ea, @column_args };
+ } else {
+ $ea = { @column_args };
+ }
+ $args->{'extra_args'} = $ea;
+ return $class->$orig( $args );
+override _build_directory => sub {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ Text::Tradition::Store->connect(@{ $self->_connect_args },
+ resolver_constructor => sub {
+ my($class) = @_;
+ $class->new({ typemap => $self->directory->merged_typemap,
+ fallback_entry => Text::Tradition::TypeMap::Entry->new() });
+ });
+## These checks don't cover store($id, $obj)
+# before [ qw/ store update insert delete / ] => sub {
+before [ qw/ delete / ] => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @nontrad;
+ foreach my $obj ( @_ ) {
+ if( ref( $obj ) && !$obj->$_isa( 'Text::Tradition' )
+ && !$obj->$_isa('Text::Tradition::User') ) {
+ # Is it an id => Tradition hash?
+ if( ref( $obj ) eq 'HASH' && keys( %$obj ) == 1 ) {
+ my( $k ) = keys %$obj;
+ next if $obj->{$k}->$_isa('Text::Tradition');
+ }
+ push( @nontrad, $obj );
+ }
+ }
+ if( @nontrad ) {
+ throw( "Cannot directly save non-Tradition object of type "
+ . ref( $nontrad[0] ) );
+ }
+# TODO Garbage collection doesn't work. Suck it up and live with the
+# inflated DB.
+after delete => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $gc = KiokuDB::GC::Naive->new( backend => $self->directory->backend );
+ $self->directory->backend->delete( $gc->garbage->members );
+sub save {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->store( @_ );
+sub tradition {
+ my( $self, $id ) = @_;
+ my $obj = $self->lookup( $id );
+ unless( $obj ) {
+ # Try looking up by name.
+ foreach my $item ( $self->traditionlist ) {
+ if( $item->{'name'} eq $id ) {
+ $obj = $self->lookup( $item->{'id'} );
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( $obj && !$obj->$_isa('Text::Tradition') ) {
+ throw( "Retrieved object is a " . ref( $obj ) . ", not a Text::Tradition" );
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub traditionlist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($user) = @_;
+ return $self->user_traditionlist($user) if($user);
+ return $self->_get_object_idlist( 'Text::Tradition' );
+sub _get_object_idlist {
+ my( $self, $objclass ) = @_;
+ my @tlist;
+ # If we are using DBI, we can do it the easy way; if not, the hard way.
+ # Easy way still involves making a separate DBI connection. Ew.
+ if( $self->dsn =~ /^dbi:(\w+):/ ) {
+ my $dbtype = $1;
+ my @connection = @{$self->directory->backend->connect_info};
+ # Get rid of KiokuDB-specific arg
+ pop @connection if scalar @connection > 4;
+ $connection[3]->{'sqlite_unicode'} = 1 if $dbtype eq 'SQLite';
+ $connection[3]->{'pg_enable_utf8'} = 1 if $dbtype eq 'Pg';
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( @connection );
+ my $q = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT id, name, public from entries WHERE class = "'
+ . $objclass . '"' );
+ $q->execute();
+ while( my @row = $q->fetchrow_array ) {
+ # Horrible horrible hack. Re-convert the name to UTF-8.
+ if( $self->_mysql_utf8_hack ) {
+ # Convert the chars into a raw bytestring.
+ my $octets = encode( 'ISO-8859-1', $row[1] );
+ $row[1] = decode_utf8( $octets );
+ }
+ push( @tlist, { 'id' => $row[0], 'name' => $row[1], 'public' => $row[2] } );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->scan( sub { my $o = shift;
+ push( @tlist, { 'id' => $self->object_to_id( $o ),
+ 'name' => $o->name,
+ 'public' => $o->public } )
+ if( ref $o eq $objclass ) } );
+ }
+ return @tlist;
+sub throw {
+ Text::Tradition::Error->throw(
+ 'ident' => 'database error',
+ 'message' => $_[0],
+ );
+# has 'directory' => (
+# is => 'rw',
+# isa => 'KiokuX::Model',
+# handles => []
+# );
+## TODO: Some of these methods should probably optionally take $user objects
+## instead of hashrefs.
+## It also occurs to me that all these methods don't need to be named
+## XX_user, but leaving that way for now incase we merge this code
+## into ::Directory for one-store.
+=head2 add_user( $userinfo )
+Takes a hashref of C<username>, C<password>.
+Create a new user object, store in the KiokuDB backend, and return it.
+sub add_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ my $username = $userinfo->{username};
+ my $password = $userinfo->{password};
+ my $role = $userinfo->{role} || 'user';
+ throw( "No username given" ) unless $username;
+ throw( "Invalid password - must be at least " . $self->MIN_PASS_LEN
+ . " characters long" )
+ unless ( $self->validate_password($password) || $username =~ /^https?:/ );
+ my $user = Text::Tradition::User->new(
+ id => $username,
+ password => ($password ? crypt_password($password) : ''),
+ email => ($userinfo->{email} ? $userinfo->{email} : $username),
+ role => $role,
+ );
+ $self->store($user->kiokudb_object_id, $user);
+ return $user;
+=head2 create_user( $userinfo )
+Takes a hashref that can either be suitable for add_user (see above) or be
+a hash of OpenID user information from Credential::OpenID.
+sub create_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ ## No username means probably an OpenID based user
+ if(!exists $userinfo->{username}) {
+ _extract_openid_data($userinfo);
+ }
+ return $self->add_user($userinfo);
+## Not quite sure where this method should be.. Auth /
+## Credential::OpenID just pass us back the chunk of extension data
+sub _extract_openid_data {
+ my ($userinfo) = @_;
+ ## Spec says SHOULD use url as identifier
+ $userinfo->{username} = $userinfo->{url};
+ ## Use email addy as display if available
+ if(exists $userinfo->{extensions} &&
+ exists $userinfo->{extensions}{'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0'} &&
+ defined $userinfo->{extensions}{'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0'}{'value.email'}) {
+ ## Somewhat ugly attribute extension reponse, contains
+ ## google-email string which we can use as the id
+ $userinfo->{email} = $userinfo->{extensions}{'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0'}{'value.email'};
+ }
+ return;
+=head2 find_user( $userinfo )
+Takes a hashref of C<username> or C<email>, and possibly openIDish results from
+Fetches the user object for the given username and returns it.
+sub find_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ ## A URL field means probably an OpenID based user
+ if( exists $userinfo->{url} ) {
+ _extract_openid_data($userinfo);
+ }
+ if (exists $userinfo->{sub} && exists $userinfo->{openid_id}) {
+ return $self->_find_gplus($userinfo);
+ }
+ my $user;
+ if( exists $userinfo->{username} ) {
+ my $username = $userinfo->{username};
+ ## No logins if user is deactivated (use lookup to fetch to re-activate)
+ $user = $self->lookup(Text::Tradition::User->id_for_user($username));
+ ## If there is an inactive user, skip it
+ return if( $user && !$user->active );
+ } elsif( exists $userinfo->{email} ) {
+ ## Scan the users looking for a matching email
+ my @matches;
+ $self->scan( sub { push( @matches, @_ )
+ if $_[0]->isa('Text::Tradition::User')
+ && $_[0]->email eq $userinfo->{email} } );
+ $user = shift @matches;
+ }
+# print STDERR "Found user, $username, email is :", $user->email, ":\n";
+ return $user;
+sub _find_gplus {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ my $sub = $userinfo->{sub};
+ my $openid = $userinfo->{openid_id};
+ # Do we have a user with the google id already?
+ my $user = $self->find_user({
+ username => $sub
+ });
+ if ($user) {
+ return $user;
+ }
+ # Do we have a user with the openid?
+ $user = $self->find_user({
+ url => $openid
+ });
+ if (!$user) {
+ throw ("Could not find a user with that openid or sub!");
+ }
+ my $new_user = $self->add_user({
+ username => $sub,
+ password => $user->password,
+ role => $user->role,
+ active => $user->active,
+ });
+ foreach my $t (@{ $user->traditions }) {
+ $new_user->add_tradition($t);
+ }
+ $self->delete_user({ username => $user->id });
+ return $new_user;
+=head2 modify_user( $userinfo )
+Takes a hashref of C<username> and C<password> (same as add_user).
+Retrieves the user, and updates it with the new information. Username
+changing is not currently supported.
+Returns the updated user object, or undef if not found.
+sub modify_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ my $username = $userinfo->{username};
+ my $password = $userinfo->{password};
+ my $role = $userinfo->{role};
+ throw( "Missing username" ) unless $username;
+ my $user = $self->find_user({ username => $username });
+ throw( "Could not find user $username" ) unless $user;
+ if($password) {
+ throw( "Bad password" ) unless $self->validate_password($password);
+ $user->password(crypt_password($password));
+ }
+ if($role) {
+ $user->role($role);
+ }
+ $self->update($user);
+ return $user;
+=head2 deactivate_user( $userinfo )
+Takes a hashref of C<username>.
+Sets the users C<active> flag to false (0), and sets all traditions
+assigned to them to non-public, updates the storage and returns the
+deactivated user.
+Returns undef if user not found.
+sub deactivate_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ my $username = $userinfo->{username};
+ throw( "Need to specify a username for deactivation" ) unless $username;
+ my $user = $self->find_user({ username => $username });
+ throw( "User $username not found" ) unless $user;
+ $user->active(0);
+ foreach my $tradition (@{ $user->traditions }) {
+ ## Not implemented yet
+ # $tradition->public(0);
+ }
+ ## Should we be using Text::Tradition::Directory also?
+ $self->update(@{ $user->traditions });
+ $self->update($user);
+ return $user;
+=head2 reactivate_user( $userinfo )
+Takes a hashref of C<username>.
+Returns the user object if already activated. Activates (sets the
+active flag to true (1)), updates the storage and returns the user.
+Returns undef if the user is not found.
+sub reactivate_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ my $username = $userinfo->{username};
+ throw( "Need to specify a username for reactivation" ) unless $username;
+ my $user = $self->lookup(Text::Tradition::User->id_for_user($username));
+ throw( "User $username not found" ) unless $user;
+ return $user if $user->active;
+ $user->active(1);
+ $self->update($user);
+ return $user;
+=head2 delete_user( $userinfo )
+CAUTION: Deletes actual data!
+Takes a hashref of C<username>.
+Returns undef if the user doesn't exist.
+Removes the user from the store and returns 1.
+sub delete_user {
+ my ($self, $userinfo) = @_;
+ my $username = $userinfo->{username};
+ throw( "Need to specify a username for deletion" ) unless $username;
+ my $user = $self->find_user({ username => $username });
+ throw( "User $username not found" ) unless $user;
+ ## Should we be using Text::Tradition::Directory for this bit?
+ $self->delete( @{ $user->traditions });
+ ## Poof, gone.
+ $self->delete($user);
+ return 1;
+=head2 validate_password( $password )
+Takes a password string. Returns true if it is longer than
+L</MIN_PASS_LEN>, false otherwise.
+Used internally by L</add_user>.
+sub validate_password {
+ my ($self, $password) = @_;
+ return if !$password;
+ return if length($password) < $self->MIN_PASS_LEN;
+ return 1;
+=head2 user_traditionlist( $user )
+Returns a tradition list (see specification above) but containing only
+those traditions visible to the specified user. If $user is the string
+'public', returns only publicly-viewable traditions.
+sub user_traditionlist {
+ my ($self, $user) = @_;
+ my @tlist;
+ if(ref $user && $user->is_admin) {
+ ## Admin sees all
+ return $self->traditionlist();
+ } elsif(ref $user) {
+ ## We have a user object already, so just fetch its traditions and use tose
+ foreach my $t (@{ $user->traditions }) {
+ push( @tlist, { 'id' => $self->object_to_id( $t ),
+ 'name' => $t->name } );
+ }
+ return @tlist;
+ } elsif($user ne 'public') {
+ die "Passed neither a user object nor 'public' to user_traditionlist";
+ }
+ ## Search for all traditions which allow public viewing
+ my @list = grep { $_->{public} } $self->traditionlist();
+ return @list;
+=head1 LICENSE
+This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
+or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Tara L Andrews E<lt>aurum@cpan.orgE<gt> (initial release)
+Shadowcat Systems L<http://www.scsys.co.uk/> (user functionality; making it all work)