=head3 Resolving conditions and attributes
-When a resultset is chained from another resultset, conditions and
-attributes with the same keys need resolving.
+When a resultset is chained from another resultset i.e.
+C<my $new_rs = $old_rs->search(\%extra_cond, \%attrs)>, conditions
+and attributes with the same keys need resolving.
-L</join>, L</prefetch>, L</+select>, L</+as> attributes are merged
-into the existing ones from the original resultset.
+If any of L</columns>, L</select>, L</as> are present they reset the
+original selection, and start the selection "clean".
+L</join>, L</prefetch>, L</+columns>, L</+select>, L</+as> attributes
+are merged into the existing ones from the original resultset.
The L</where> and L</having> attributes, and any search conditions, are
merged with an SQL C<AND> to the existing condition from the original
# XXX: FIXME: Attributes docs need clearing up
=over 4
-=item Value: \@columns
+=item Value: \@columns | \%columns | $column
-=head2 +as
-=over 4
-Indicates additional column names for those added via L</+select>. See L</as>.
=head2 as
=over 4
You can create your own accessors if required - see
L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook> for details.
+=head2 +as
+=over 4
+Indicates additional column names for those added via L</+select>. See L</as>.
=head2 join
=over 4
will return a set of all artists that have both a cd with title 'Down
to Earth' and a cd with title 'Popular'.
-If you want to fetch related objects from other tables as well, see C<prefetch>
+If you want to fetch related objects from other tables as well, see L</prefetch>
NOTE: An internal join-chain pruner will discard certain joins while
For more help on using joins with search, see L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Joining>.
-=head2 prefetch
+=head2 collapse
=over 4
-=item Value: ($rel_name | \@rel_names | \%rel_names)
+=item Value: (0 | 1)
-Contains one or more relationships that should be fetched along with
-the main query (when they are accessed afterwards the data will
-already be available, without extra queries to the database). This is
-useful for when you know you will need the related objects, because it
-saves at least one query:
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
- undef,
- {
- prefetch => {
- cd => 'artist'
- }
- }
- );
-The initial search results in SQL like the following:
- SELECT tag.*, cd.*, artist.* FROM tag
- JOIN cd ON tag.cd = cd.cdid
- JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.artistid
-L<DBIx::Class> has no need to go back to the database when we access the
-C<cd> or C<artist> relationships, which saves us two SQL statements in this
-Simple prefetches will be joined automatically, so there is no need
-for a C<join> attribute in the above search.
-L</prefetch> can be used with the any of the relationship types and
-multiple prefetches can be specified together. Below is a more complex
-example that prefetches a CD's artist, its liner notes (if present),
-the cover image, the tracks on that cd, and the guests on those
- # Assuming:
- My::Schema::CD->belongs_to( artist => 'My::Schema::Artist' );
- My::Schema::CD->might_have( liner_note => 'My::Schema::LinerNotes' );
- My::Schema::CD->has_one( cover_image => 'My::Schema::Artwork' );
- My::Schema::CD->has_many( tracks => 'My::Schema::Track' );
- My::Schema::Artist->belongs_to( record_label => 'My::Schema::RecordLabel' );
- My::Schema::Track->has_many( guests => 'My::Schema::Guest' );
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
- undef,
- {
- prefetch => [
- { artist => 'record_label'}, # belongs_to => belongs_to
- 'liner_note', # might_have
- 'cover_image', # has_one
- { tracks => 'guests' }, # has_many => has_many
- ]
- }
- );
-This will produce SQL like the following:
- SELECT cd.*, artist.*, record_label.*, liner_note.*, cover_image.*,
- tracks.*, guests.*
- FROM cd me
- JOIN artist artist
- ON artist.artistid = me.artistid
- JOIN record_label record_label
- ON record_label.labelid = artist.labelid
- LEFT JOIN track tracks
- ON tracks.cdid = me.cdid
- LEFT JOIN guest guests
- ON guests.trackid = track.trackid
- LEFT JOIN liner_notes liner_note
- ON liner_note.cdid = me.cdid
- JOIN cd_artwork cover_image
- ON cover_image.cdid = me.cdid
- ORDER BY tracks.cd
-Now the C<artist>, C<record_label>, C<liner_note>, C<cover_image>,
-C<tracks>, and C<guests> of the CD will all be available through the
-relationship accessors without the need for additional queries to the
-However, there is one caveat to be observed: it can be dangerous to
-prefetch more than one L<has_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many>
-relationship on a given level. e.g.:
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
- undef,
- {
- prefetch => [
- 'tracks', # has_many
- { cd_to_producer => 'producer' }, # has_many => belongs_to (i.e. m2m)
- ]
- }
- );
-The collapser currently can't identify duplicate tuples for multiple
-L<has_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many> relationships and as a
-result the second L<has_many|DBIx::Class::Relationship/has_many>
-relation could contain redundant objects.
+When set to a true value, indicates that any rows fetched from joined has_many
+relationships are to be aggregated into the corresponding "parent" object. For
+example the resultset:
-=head3 Using L</prefetch> with L</join>
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, {
+ '+columns' => [ qw/ tracks.title tracks.position / ],
+ join => 'tracks',
+ collapse => 1,
+ });
-L</prefetch> implies a L</join> with the equivalent argument, and is
-properly merged with any existing L</join> specification. So the
+While executing the following query:
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
- {'record_label.name' => 'Music Product Ltd.'},
- {
- join => {artist => 'record_label'},
- prefetch => 'artist',
- }
- );
-... will work, searching on the record label's name, but only
-prefetching the C<artist>.
+ SELECT me.*, tracks.title, tracks.position
+ FROM cd me
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cdid = me.cdid
-=head3 Using L</prefetch> with L</select> / L</+select> / L</as> / L</+as>
+Will return only as many objects as there are rows in the CD source, even
+though the result of the query may span many rows. Each of these CD objects
+will in turn have multiple "Track" objects hidden behind the has_many
+generated accessor C<tracks>. Without C<< collapse => 1 >> the return values
+of this resultset would be as many CD objects as there are tracks, with each
+CD object containing exactly one of all fetched Track data.
-L</prefetch> implies a L</+select>/L</+as> with the fields of the
-prefetched relations. So given:
+When a collapse is requested on a non-ordered resultset, an order by some
+unique part of the main source (the left-most table) is inserted automatically.
+This is done so that the resultset is allowed to be "lazy" - calling
+L<< $rs->next|/next >> will fetch only as many rows as it needs to build the next
+object with all of its related data.
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
- undef,
- {
- select => ['cd.title'],
- as => ['cd_title'],
- prefetch => 'artist',
- }
- );
+If an L</order_by> is already declared, and orders the resultset in a way that
+makes collapsing as described above impossible (e.g. C<< ORDER BY
+has_many_rel.column >> or C<ORDER BY RANDOM()>) DBIC will automatically
+switch to "eager" mode and slurp the entire resultset before consturcting the
+first object returned by L</next>.
-The L</select> becomes: C<'cd.title', 'artist.*'> and the L</as>
-becomes: C<'cd_title', 'artist.*'>.
+Setting this attribute on a resultset that does not join any has_many
+relations is a no-op.
-=head3 CAVEATS
+For a more in depth discussion see L</PREFETCHING>.
-Prefetch does a lot of deep magic. As such, it may not behave exactly
-as you might expect.
+=head2 prefetch
=over 4
-=item *
-Prefetch uses the L</cache> to populate the prefetched relationships. This
-may or may not be what you want.
+=item Value: ($rel_name | \@rel_names | \%rel_names)
-=item *
-If you specify a condition on a prefetched relationship, ONLY those
-rows that match the prefetched condition will be fetched into that relationship.
-This means that adding prefetch to a search() B<may alter> what is returned by
-traversing a relationship. So, if you have C<< Artist->has_many(CDs) >> and you do
+This attribute is a shorthand for specifying a L</join> spec, adding all
+columns from the joined related sources as L</+columns> and setting
+L</collapse> to a true value. For example the following two queries are
- my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
- 'cds.year' => 2008,
- }, {
- join => 'cds',
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
+ prefetch => { cds => ['genre', 'tracks' ] },
- my $count = $artist_rs->first->cds->count;
- my $artist_rs_prefetch = $artist_rs->search( {}, { prefetch => 'cds' } );
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
+ join => { cds => ['genre', 'tracks' ] },
+ collapse => 1,
+ '+columns' => [
+ (map
+ { +{ "cds.$_" => "cds.$_" } }
+ $schema->source('Artist')->related_source('cds')->columns
+ ),
+ (map
+ { +{ "cds.genre.$_" => "genre.$_" } }
+ $schema->source('Artist')->related_source('cds')->related_source('genre')->columns
+ ),
+ (map
+ { +{ "cds.tracks.$_" => "tracks.$_" } }
+ $schema->source('Artist')->related_source('cds')->related_source('tracks')->columns
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
- my $prefetch_count = $artist_rs_prefetch->first->cds->count;
+Both producing the following SQL:
+ SELECT me.artistid, me.name, me.rank, me.charfield,
+ cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track,
+ genre.genreid, genre.name,
+ tracks.trackid, tracks.cd, tracks.position, tracks.title, tracks.last_updated_on, tracks.last_updated_at
+ FROM artist me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds
+ ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ LEFT JOIN genre genre
+ ON genre.genreid = cds.genreid
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cd = cds.cdid
+ ORDER BY me.artistid
+While L</prefetch> implies a L</join> it is ok to mix the two together, as
+the arguments are properly merged and generally do the right thing. For
+example you may want to do the following:
+ my $artists_and_cds_without_genre = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
+ { 'genre.genreid' => undef },
+ {
+ join => { cds => 'genre' },
+ prefetch => 'cds',
+ }
+ );
- cmp_ok( $count, '==', $prefetch_count, "Counts should be the same" );
+Which generates the following SQL:
-that cmp_ok() may or may not pass depending on the datasets involved. This
-behavior may or may not survive the 0.09 transition.
+ SELECT me.artistid, me.name, me.rank, me.charfield,
+ cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track
+ FROM artist me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds
+ ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ LEFT JOIN genre genre
+ ON genre.genreid = cds.genreid
+ WHERE genre.genreid IS NULL
+ ORDER BY me.artistid
+For a more in depth discussion see L</PREFETCHING>.
=head2 alias
... FOR SHARED. If \$scalar is passed, this is taken directly and embedded in the
+DBIx::Class supports arbitrary related data prefetching from multiple related
+sources. Any combination of relationship types and column sets is supported.
+If L<collapsing|/collapse> is requested there is an additional requirement of
+selecting enough data to make every individual object uniquely identifiable.
+Here are some more involved examples, based on the following relationship map:
+ # Assuming:
+ My::Schema::CD->belongs_to( artist => 'My::Schema::Artist' );
+ My::Schema::CD->might_have( liner_note => 'My::Schema::LinerNotes' );
+ My::Schema::CD->has_many( tracks => 'My::Schema::Track' );
+ My::Schema::Artist->belongs_to( record_label => 'My::Schema::RecordLabel' );
+ My::Schema::Track->has_many( guests => 'My::Schema::Guest' );
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
+ undef,
+ {
+ prefetch => {
+ cd => 'artist'
+ }
+ }
+ );
+The initial search results in SQL like the following:
+ SELECT tag.*, cd.*, artist.* FROM tag
+ JOIN cd ON tag.cd = cd.cdid
+ JOIN artist ON cd.artist = artist.artistid
+L<DBIx::Class> has no need to go back to the database when we access the
+C<cd> or C<artist> relationships, which saves us two SQL statements in this
+Simple prefetches will be joined automatically, so there is no need
+for a C<join> attribute in the above search.
+L</prefetch> can be used with any of the relationship types and
+multiple prefetches can be specified together. Below is a more complex
+example that prefetches a CD's artist, its liner notes (if present),
+the cover image, the tracks on that cd, and the guests on those
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
+ undef,
+ {
+ prefetch => [
+ { artist => 'record_label'}, # belongs_to => belongs_to
+ 'liner_note', # might_have
+ 'cover_image', # has_one
+ { tracks => 'guests' }, # has_many => has_many
+ ]
+ }
+ );
+This will produce SQL like the following:
+ SELECT cd.*, artist.*, record_label.*, liner_note.*, cover_image.*,
+ tracks.*, guests.*
+ FROM cd me
+ JOIN artist artist
+ ON artist.artistid = me.artistid
+ JOIN record_label record_label
+ ON record_label.labelid = artist.labelid
+ LEFT JOIN track tracks
+ ON tracks.cdid = me.cdid
+ LEFT JOIN guest guests
+ ON guests.trackid = track.trackid
+ LEFT JOIN liner_notes liner_note
+ ON liner_note.cdid = me.cdid
+ JOIN cd_artwork cover_image
+ ON cover_image.cdid = me.cdid
+ ORDER BY tracks.cd
+Now the C<artist>, C<record_label>, C<liner_note>, C<cover_image>,
+C<tracks>, and C<guests> of the CD will all be available through the
+relationship accessors without the need for additional queries to the
+=head3 CAVEATS
+Prefetch does a lot of deep magic. As such, it may not behave exactly
+as you might expect.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Prefetch uses the L</cache> to populate the prefetched relationships. This
+may or may not be what you want.
+=item *
+If you specify a condition on a prefetched relationship, ONLY those
+rows that match the prefetched condition will be fetched into that relationship.
+This means that adding prefetch to a search() B<may alter> what is returned by
+traversing a relationship. So, if you have C<< Artist->has_many(CDs) >> and you do
+ my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({
+ 'cds.year' => 2008,
+ }, {
+ join => 'cds',
+ });
+ my $count = $artist_rs->first->cds->count;
+ my $artist_rs_prefetch = $artist_rs->search( {}, { prefetch => 'cds' } );
+ my $prefetch_count = $artist_rs_prefetch->first->cds->count;
+ cmp_ok( $count, '==', $prefetch_count, "Counts should be the same" );
+that cmp_ok() may or may not pass depending on the datasets involved. This
+behavior may or may not survive the 0.09 transition.
Because DBIC may need more information to bind values than just the column name
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.