- "belongs_to" to "contains/refers/something"
Using inflated objects/references as values in searches
- - Goes together with subselects above
- should deflate then run search
-FilterColumn - like Inflate, only for changing scalar values
- - This seems to be vaporware atm..
SQL/API feature complete?
- proper join conditions!
Moosification - ouch
+Metamodel stuff - introspection
Prefetch improvements
- slow on mysql, speedup?
- multi has_many prefetch
- - paging working with prefetch
Magically "discover" needed joins/prefetches and add them
- eg $books->search({ 'author.name' => 'Fred'}), autoadds: join => 'author'
- also guess aliases when supplying column names that are on joined/related tables
-Metamodel stuff - introspection
Storage API/restructure
- call update/insert etc on the ResultSource, which then calls to storage
- handle different storages/db-specific code better
Documentation - improvements
- better indexing for finding of stuff in general
- more cross-referencing of docs
- ResultSource objects caching ->resultset causes interesting problems
- find why XSUB dumper kills schema in Catalyst (may be Pg only?)
-2006-04-11 by castaway
- - docs of copy() should say that is_auto_increment is essential for auto_incrementing keys
2006-03-25 by mst
- find a way to un-wantarray search without breaking compat
- - audit logging component
- delay relationship setup if done via ->load_classes
- double-sided relationships
- make short form of class specifier in relationships work
We should still support the old inflate/deflate syntax, but this new
way should be recommended.
-2006-02-07 by castaway
- - Extract DBIC::SQL::Abstract into a separate module for CPAN
2006-03-18 by bluefeet
- Support table locking.
if you haven't specified one of the others
2008-10-30 by ribasushi
- Leftovers for next dev-release
- Rewrite the test suite to rely on $schema->deploy, allowing for seamless
testing of various RDBMS using the same tests
- - Proper support of default create (i.e. create({}) ), with proper workarounds
- for different Storage's
- Automatically infer quote_char/name_sep from $schema->storage
- - Finally incorporate View support (needs real tests)
- Fix and properly test chained search attribute merging
-2008-11-07 by ribasushi
- - Be loud when a relationship resolution fails because we did not select/as
- a neccessary pk
- Recursive update() (all code seems to be already available)
- - $rs->populate changes its syntax depending on wantarray context (BAD)
- Also the interface differs from $schema->populate (not so good)