use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
-plan tests => 182;
+plan tests => 146;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
- genreid => 1,
- name => 'Mixed',
my $art_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist');
-my $restricted_art_rs = $art_rs->search({rank => 42});
my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD');
-my $restricted_cd_rs = $cd_rs->search({genreid => 1});
+my $restricted_art_rs = $art_rs->search({rank => 42});
ok( $schema, 'Got a Schema object');
ok( $art_rs, 'Got Good Artist Resultset');
## Get the result row objects.
- my ($girl, $crap, $damn, $formerly) = $restricted_art_rs->populate($artists);
+ my ($girl, $crap, $damn, $formerly) = $art_rs->populate($artists);
## Do we have the right object?
ok( $girl->name eq 'Angsty-Whiny Girl', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( $damn->name eq 'Like I Give a Damn', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( $formerly->name eq 'Formerly Named', "Got Correct name for result object");
- cmp_ok( $crap->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $girl->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $damn->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $formerly->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
## Create the expected children sub objects?
## Get the result row objects.
- my ($girl, $crap, $damn, $formerly) = $restricted_art_rs->populate($artists);
+ my ($girl, $crap, $damn, $formerly) = $art_rs->populate($artists);
## Do we have the right object?
ok( $girl->artistid == $first_aid, "Got Correct artist PK for result object");
ok( $damn->name eq 'PK_Like I Give a Damn', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( $formerly->name eq 'PK_Formerly Named', "Got Correct name for result object");
- cmp_ok( $crap->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $girl->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $damn->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $formerly->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
## Create the expected children sub objects?
- my ($cdA, $cdB) = $restricted_cd_rs->populate($cds);
+ my ($cdA, $cdB) = $cd_rs->populate($cds);
isa_ok($cdA, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdA->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdA->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsC', 'Set Artist to FredC');
- isa_ok($cdA->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdA->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
isa_ok($cdB, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdB->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdB->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsD', 'Set Artist to FredD');
- isa_ok($cdB->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdB->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
- my ($cdA, $cdB) = $restricted_cd_rs->populate($cds);
+ my ($cdA, $cdB) = $cd_rs->populate($cds);
isa_ok($cdA, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdA->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdA->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsC', 'Set Artist to FredC');
- isa_ok($cdA->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdA->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
isa_ok($cdB, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdB->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdB->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsD', 'Set Artist to FredD');
ok($cdB->artist->artistid == $aid, "Got Expected Artist ID");
- isa_ok($cdB->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdB->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
+ my ($more_crap) = $restricted_art_rs->populate([
+ {
+ name => 'More Manufactured Crap',
+ },
+ ]);
+ ## Did it use the condition in the resultset?
+ cmp_ok( $more_crap->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
+ }
## Get the result row objects.
- $restricted_art_rs->populate($artists);
+ $art_rs->populate($artists);
my ($undef, $girl, $formerly, $damn, $crap) = $art_rs->search(
ok( $damn->name eq 'VOID_PK_Like I Give a Damn', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( $formerly->name eq 'VOID_PK_Formerly Named', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( !defined $undef->name, "Got Correct name 'is undef' for result object");
- cmp_ok( $crap->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $girl->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $damn->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $formerly->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $undef->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
## Create the expected children sub objects?
ok( $crap->can('cds'), "Has cds relationship");
- $restricted_cd_rs->populate($cds);
+ $cd_rs->populate($cds);
my ($cdA, $cdB) = $cd_rs->search(
{title=>[sort map {$_->{title}} @$cds]},
isa_ok($cdA, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdA->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdA->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsCB', 'Set Artist to FredCB');
- isa_ok($cdA->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdA->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
isa_ok($cdB, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdB->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdB->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsDB', 'Set Artist to FredDB');
ok($cdB->artist->artistid == $aid, "Got Expected Artist ID");
- isa_ok($cdB->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdB->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
- $restricted_cd_rs->populate($cds);
+ $cd_rs->populate($cds);
my ($cdA, $cdB, $cdC) = $cd_rs->search(
{title=>[sort map {$_->{title}} @$cds]},
isa_ok($cdA->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdA->title, 'Some CD3BB', 'Found Expected title');
is($cdA->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsCBB', 'Set Artist to FredCBB');
- isa_ok($cdA->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdA->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
isa_ok($cdB, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdB->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdB->title, 'Some CD4BB', 'Found Expected title');
is($cdB->artist->name, 'Fred BloggsDBB', 'Set Artist to FredDBB');
- isa_ok($cdB->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdB->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
isa_ok($cdC, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
isa_ok($cdC->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Set Artist');
is($cdC->title, 'Some CD5BB', 'Found Expected title');
is( $cdC->artist->name, undef, 'Set Artist to something undefined');
- isa_ok($cdC->genre, 'DBICTest::Genre', 'Set Genre');
- cmp_ok($cdC->genre->id, '==', 1, 'Set Genre ID to 1');
## Get the result row objects.
- $restricted_art_rs->populate($artists);
+ $art_rs->populate($artists);
my ($girl, $formerly, $damn, $crap) = $art_rs->search(
{name=>[sort map {$_->{name}} @$artists]},
ok( $girl->name eq 'VOID_Angsty-Whiny Girl', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( $damn->name eq 'VOID_Like I Give a Damn', "Got Correct name for result object");
ok( $formerly->name eq 'VOID_Formerly Named', "Got Correct name for result object");
- cmp_ok( $crap->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $girl->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $damn->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
- cmp_ok( $formerly->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
## Create the expected children sub objects?
ok( $crap->can('cds'), "Has cds relationship");
ok( $cd2->title eq "VOID_Yet More Tweeny-Pop crap", "Got Expected CD Title");
+ $restricted_art_rs->populate([
+ {
+ name => 'VOID More Manufactured Crap',
+ },
+ ]);
+ my $more_crap = $art_rs->search({
+ name => 'VOID More Manufactured Crap'
+ })->first;
+ ## Did it use the condition in the resultset?
+ cmp_ok( $more_crap->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
+ }
- $restricted_art_rs->populate([
+ $art_rs->populate([
[qw/artistid name/],
[1000, 'A Formally Unknown Singer'],
[1001, 'A singer that jumped the shark two albums ago'],
is $jumped->name, 'A singer that jumped the shark two albums ago', 'Correct Name';
is $cool->name, 'An actually cool singer.', 'Correct Name';
- cmp_ok $unknown->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
- cmp_ok $jumped->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
- cmp_ok $cool->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
+ #cmp_ok $cool->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
- my ($cooler, $lamer) = $restricted_art_rs->populate([
+ my ($cooler, $lamer) = $art_rs->populate([
[qw/artistid name/],
[1003, 'Cooler'],
[1004, 'Lamer'],
is $cooler->name, 'Cooler', 'Correct Name';
is $lamer->name, 'Lamer', 'Correct Name';
- cmp_ok $cooler->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
- cmp_ok $lamer->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
+ #cmp_ok $cooler->rank, '==', 42, 'Correct Rank';
+ my ($mega_lamer) = $restricted_art_rs->populate([
+ {
+ name => 'Mega Lamer',
+ },
+ ]);
+ ## Did it use the condition in the resultset?
+ cmp_ok( $mega_lamer->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
+ }
+ $restricted_art_rs->populate([
+ {
+ name => 'VOID Mega Lamer',
+ },
+ ]);
+ my $mega_lamer = $art_rs->search({
+ name => 'VOID Mega Lamer'
+ })->first;
+ ## Did it use the condition in the resultset?
+ cmp_ok( $mega_lamer->rank, '==', 42, "Got Correct rank for result object");
+ }