use DBICTest; # do not remove even though it is not used
my $version_table_name = 'dbix_class_schema_versions';
my $old_table_name = 'SchemaVersions';
# loading a new module defining a new version of the same table
DBICVersion::Schema->_unregister_source ('Table');
my $schema_v2 = DBICVersion::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { ignore_version => 1 });
$schema_v2->create_ddl_dir('MySQL', '2.0', $ddl_dir, '1.0');
ok(-f $fn->{trans_v12}, 'Created DDL file');
- sleep 1; # remove this when TODO below is completed
warnings_like (
sub { $schema_v2->upgrade() },
qr/DB version .+? is lower than the schema version/,
# repeat the v1->v2 process for v2->v3 before testing v1->v3
DBICVersion::Schema->_unregister_source ('Table');
my $schema_v3 = DBICVersion::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, { ignore_version => 1 });
# attempt v1 -> v3 upgrade
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn if $_[0] !~ /Attempting upgrade\.$/ };
+ $schema_v3->upgrade();
is($schema_v3->get_db_version(), '3.0', 'db version number upgraded');
# attempt a deploy/upgrade cycle within one second
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'To fix this properly the table must be extended with an autoinc column, mst will not accept anything less';
eval { $schema_v2->storage->dbh->do('drop table ' . $version_table_name) };
eval { $schema_v2->storage->dbh->do('drop table ' . $old_table_name) };
eval { $schema_v2->storage->dbh->do('drop table TestVersion') };
# this attempts to sleep until the turn of the second
my $t = time();
sleep (int ($t) + 1 - $t);
- diag ('Fast deploy/upgrade start: ', time() );
+ note ('Fast deploy/upgrade start: ', time() );
local $DBICVersion::Schema::VERSION = '2.0';