unlink 'MANIFEST';
- print "Regenerating dbicadmin.pod\n";
- system('perl script/dbicadmin --pod > lib/dbicadmin.pod');
print "Regenerating Optional/Dependencies.pod\n";
require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
# PodInherit();
+tests_recursive (qw|
+ t
install_script (qw|
-tests_recursive (qw|
- t
+### Mangle makefile - read the comments for more info
+postamble <<"EOP";
+# This will add an extra dep-spec for the distdir target,
+# which `make` will fold together in a first-come first-serve
+# fashion. What we do here is essentially adding extra
+# commands to execute once the distdir is assembled (via
+# create_distdir), but before control is returned to a higher
+# calling rule.
+distdir : dbicadmin_pod_inject
+# The pod self-injection code is in fact a hidden option in
+# dbicadmin itself
+dbicadmin_pod_inject :
+\tcd \$(DISTVNAME) && \$(ABSPERL) -Ilib script/dbicadmin --selfinject-pod
+# Regenerate manifest before running create_distdir.
+create_distdir : manifest
resources 'IRC' => 'irc://irc.perl.org/#dbix-class';
resources 'license' => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/';