# Set up the "usual" sqlite for DBICTest
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( sqlite_use_file => 1 );
-my $exception_action_count;
-$schema->exception_action(sub {
- $exception_action_count++;
+my $exception_callback_count;
+my $ea = $schema->exception_action(sub {
+ $exception_callback_count++;
die @_;
+# No, this is not a great idea.
+# Yes, people do it anyway.
+# Might as well test that we have fixed it for good, by never invoking
+# a potential __DIE__ handler in internal_try() stacks. In cases of regular
+# exceptions we expect *both* the exception action *AND* the __DIE__ to
+# fire once
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { &$ea };
# Make sure we're connected by doing something
my @art = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ }, { order_by => { -desc => 'name' }});
cmp_ok(@art, '==', 3, "Three artists returned");
# start disconnected and then connected
- $exception_action_count = 0;
+ $exception_callback_count = 0;
for (1, 2) {
my $disarmed;
}, @$args) });
- is( $exception_action_count, 0, 'exception_action never called' );
+ is( $exception_callback_count, 0, 'neither exception_action nor $SIG{__DIE__} ever called' );
# make sure RT#110429 does not recur on manual DBI-side disconnect
note( "Testing with " . B::Deparse->new->coderef2text($cref) );
- $exception_action_count = 0;
+ $exception_callback_count = 0;
ok( !$schema->storage->connected, 'Not connected' );
is( $schema->storage->transaction_depth, undef, "Depth expectedly unknown after failed rollbacks" );
- is( $exception_action_count, 1, "exception_action called only once" );
+ is( $exception_callback_count, 2, 'exception_action and $SIG{__DIE__} called only once each' );
# check exception_action under tenacious disconnect
- $exception_action_count = 0;
+ $exception_callback_count = 0;
throws_ok { $schema->txn_do(sub {
})} qr/prepare on inactive database handle/;
- is( $exception_action_count, 1, "exception_action called only once" );
+ is( $exception_callback_count, 2, 'exception_action and $SIG{__DIE__} called only once each' );
# check that things aren't crazy with a non-violent disconnect