my( $self, $c, $textid ) = @_;
# If the tradition has more than 500 ranks or so, split it up.
my $tradition = $c->model('Directory')->tradition( $textid );
+ # Account for a bad interaction between FastCGI and KiokuDB
+ unless( $tradition->collation->tradition ) {
+ $c->log->warn( "Fixing broken tradition link" );
+ $tradition->collation->_set_tradition( $tradition );
+ $c->model('Directory')->save( $tradition );
+ }
# See how big the tradition is. Edges are more important than nodes
# when it comes to rendering difficulty.
my $numnodes = scalar $tradition->collation->readings;
push( @{$c->stash->{'textsegments'}}, $seg );
- $DB::single = 1;
$c->stash->{'textid'} = $textid;
$c->stash->{'tradition'} = $tradition;
foreach my $p ( @pairs ) {
my $relobj = $collation->relations->get_relationship( @$p );
next if $relobj->type eq 'collated'; # Don't show these
+ next if $p->[0] eq $p->[1]; # HACK until bugfix
my $relhash = { source => $p->[0], target => $p->[1],
type => $relobj->type, scope => $relobj->scope };
$relhash->{'note'} = $relobj->annotation if $relobj->has_annotation;