use List::Util ();
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' =>
- qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update insert_txn _extra_dbh/
+ qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update insert_txn/
=head1 NAME
$self->set_textsize; # based on LongReadLen in connect_info
- elsif (not $self->dbh->{syb_dynamic_supported}) {
+ elsif (not $self->_get_dbh->{syb_dynamic_supported}) {
# not necessarily FreeTDS, but no placeholders nevertheless
bless $self, $no_bind_vars;
$self->_dbh->do('SET CHAINED ON');
-# for insert transactions
- $self->_extra_dbh($self->_connect(@{ $self->_dbi_connect_info }));
- $self->_extra_dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
=head2 connect_call_blob_setup
my $updated_cols = do {
if ($need_last_insert_id && $self->insert_txn &&
(not $self->{transaction_depth})) {
- local $self->{_dbh} = $self->_extra_dbh;
my $guard = $self->txn_scope_guard;
my $upd_cols = $self->next::method (@_);
sub _insert_blobs {
my ($self, $source, $blob_cols, $row) = @_;
- my $dbh = $self->dbh;
+ my $dbh = $self->_get_dbh;
my $table = $source->from;
my $self = shift;
if ($self->using_freetds) {
- $self->dbh->do('BEGIN TRAN');
+ $self->_get_dbh->do('BEGIN TRAN');
sub _svp_begin {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
- $self->dbh->do("SAVE TRANSACTION $name");
+ $self->_get_dbh->do("SAVE TRANSACTION $name");
# A new SAVE TRANSACTION with the same name releases the previous one.
sub _svp_rollback {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
- $self->dbh->do("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION $name");
+ $self->_get_dbh->do("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION $name");
begin a transaction while there are active cursors. An active cursor is, for
example, a L<ResultSet|DBIx::Class::ResultSet> that has been executed using
C<next> or C<first> but has not been exhausted or
-To get around this problem, use L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/all> for smaller
-ResultSets, and/or put the active cursors you will need in the scope of the
Transactions done for inserts in C<AutoCommit> mode when placeholders are in use
-are not affected, as they are executed on a separate connection.
+are also affected, so this won't work:
+ while (my $row = $rs1->next) {
+ $rs2->create({ foo => $row->foo });
+ }
+Some workarounds:
+=over 4
+=item * set C<< $schema->storage->insert_txn(0) >> temporarily (see
+=item * use L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated>
+=item * L<connect|DBIx::Class::Schema/connect> another L<Schema|DBIx::Class::Schema>
+=item * load the data from your cursor with L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/all>
+=item * enlarge the scope of the transaction
"\nWarning: This test drops and creates the tables " .
"'artist' and 'bindtype_test'";
} else {
- plan tests => $TESTS*2;
+ plan tests => $TESTS*2 + 1;
my @storage_types = (
skip 'TEXT/IMAGE support does not work with FreeTDS', 12
if $schema->storage->using_freetds;
- my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
+ my $dbh = $schema->storage->_dbh;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
eval { $dbh->do('DROP TABLE bindtype_test') };
-# First, we'll open a cursor to test insert transactions when there's an active
-# cursor.
- SKIP: {
- skip 'not testing insert with active cursor unless using insert_txn', 1
- unless $schema->storage->insert_txn;
- my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist');
- $artist_rs->first;
- lives_ok {
- my $row = $schema->resultset('Money')->create({ amount => 100 });
- $row->delete;
- } 'inserted a row with an active cursor';
+# test insert transactions when there's an active cursor
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'not supported yet or possibly ever';
+ SKIP: {
+ skip 'not testing insert with active cursor unless using insert_txn', 1
+ unless $schema->storage->insert_txn;
+ my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist');
+ $artist_rs->first;
+ lives_ok {
+ my $row = $schema->resultset('Money')->create({ amount => 100 });
+ $row->delete;
+ } 'inserted a row with an active cursor';
+ $ping_count-- if $@; # dbh_do calls ->connected
+ }
# Now test money values.
diag $@ if $@;
+is $ping_count, 0, 'no pings';
# clean up our mess
if (my $dbh = eval { $schema->storage->_dbh }) {
eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $_") }
for qw/artist bindtype_test money_test/;
- diag "ping count was $ping_count" unless $ping_count == 0;