# LEFT JOIN cd cds ON ( cds.artist = me.artistid )
# GROUP BY name
+=head3 Predefined searches
+You can write your own DBIx::Class::ResultSet class by inheriting from it
+and define often used searches as methods:
+ package My::DBIC::ResultSet::CD;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
+ sub search_cds_ordered {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->search(
+ {},
+ { order_by => 'name DESC' },
+ );
+ }
+ 1;
+To use your resultset, first tell DBIx::Class to create an instance of it
+for you, in your My::DBIC::Schema::CD class:
+ __PACKAGE__->resultset_class('My::DBIC::ResultSet::CD');
+Then call your new method in your code:
+ my $ordered_cds = $schema->resultset('CD')->search_cds_ordered();
=head2 Using joins and prefetch
You can use the C<join> attribute to allow searching on, or sorting your