my %binstr = ( 'small' => join('', map { chr($_) } ( 1 .. 127 )) );
$binstr{'large'} = $binstr{'small'} x 1024;
- my $maxloblen = (length $binstr{'large'}) + 5;
+ my $maxloblen = (length $binstr{'large'}) + 6;
note "Localizing LongReadLen to $maxloblen to avoid truncation of test data";
local $dbh->{'LongReadLen'} = $maxloblen;
my $str = $binstr{$size};
lives_ok {
- $rs->create( { 'id' => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" } )
+ $rs->create( { 'id' => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str", blob2 => "blob2:$str", clob2 => "clob2:$str" } )
} "inserted $size without dying";
my %kids = %{$schema->storage->_dbh->{CachedKids}};
is @objs, 1, 'One row found matching on both LOBs';
ok (try { $objs[0]->blob }||'' eq "blob:$str", 'blob inserted/retrieved correctly');
ok (try { $objs[0]->clob }||'' eq "clob:$str", 'clob inserted/retrieved correctly');
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->clob2 }||'' eq "clob2:$str", "clob2 inserted correctly");
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->blob2 }||'' eq "blob2:$str", "blob2 inserted correctly");
local $TODO = '-like comparison on blobs not tested before ora 10 (fails on 8i)'
lives_ok {
$rs->search({ id => $id, blob => "blob:$str", clob => "clob:$str" })
- ->update({ blob => 'updated blob', clob => 'updated clob' });
+ ->update({ blob => 'updated blob', clob => 'updated clob', clob2 => 'updated clob2', blob2 => 'updated blob2' });
} 'blob UPDATE with blobs in WHERE clause survived';
@objs = $rs->search({ blob => "updated blob", clob => 'updated clob' })->all;
is @objs, 1, 'found updated row';
ok (try { $objs[0]->blob }||'' eq "updated blob", 'blob updated/retrieved correctly');
ok (try { $objs[0]->clob }||'' eq "updated clob", 'clob updated/retrieved correctly');
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->clob2 }||'' eq "updated clob2", "clob2 updated correctly");
+ ok (try { $objs[0]->blob2 }||'' eq "updated blob2", "blob2 updated correctly");
lives_ok {
$rs->search({ id => $id })