# Some custom rels may not resolve without a $schema
my $our_resolved_relcond = dbic_internal_try {
- $self->_resolve_relationship_condition(
+ $self->resolve_relationship_condition(
rel_name => $rel,
# an API where these are optional would be too cumbersome,
my $their_resolved_relcond = dbic_internal_try {
- $other_rsrc->_resolve_relationship_condition(
+ $other_rsrc->resolve_relationship_condition(
rel_name => $other_rel,
# an API where these are optional would be too cumbersome,
-alias => $as,
-relation_chain_depth => ( $seen->{-relation_chain_depth} || 0 ) + 1,
- $self->_resolve_relationship_condition(
+ $self->resolve_relationship_condition(
rel_name => $join,
self_alias => $alias,
foreign_alias => $as,
bag_eq( $_[1], $_[2] );
-sub resolve_condition {
- carp 'resolve_condition is a private method, stop calling it';
+sub _resolve_relationship_condition :DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar {
+ DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and fail_on_internal_call;
+ # carp() - has been on CPAN for less than 2 years
+ carp '_resolve_relationship_condition() is deprecated - see resolve_relationship_condition() instead';
+ shift->resolve_relationship_condition(@_);
+sub resolve_condition :DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar {
+ DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and fail_on_internal_call;
+ # carp() - has been discouraged forever
+ carp 'resolve_condition() is deprecated - see resolve_relationship_condition() instead';
shift->_resolve_condition (@_);
-sub _resolve_condition {
-# carp_unique sprintf
-# '_resolve_condition is a private method, and moreover is about to go '
-# . 'away. Please contact the development team at %s if you believe you '
-# . 'have a genuine use for this method, in order to discuss alternatives.',
-# DBIx::Class::_ENV_::HELP_URL,
-# ;
+sub _resolve_condition :DBIC_method_is_indirect_sugar {
+ DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_INDIRECT_CALLS and fail_on_internal_call;
+ # carp_unique() - the interface replacing it only became reality in Sep 2016
+ carp_unique '_resolve_condition() is deprecated - see resolve_relationship_condition() instead';
### API Design? What's that...? (a backwards compatible shim, kill me now)
# Allowing passing relconds different than the relationshup itself is cute,
- # but likely dangerous. Remove that from the (still unofficial) API of
- # _resolve_relationship_condition, and instead make it "hard on purpose"
+ # but likely dangerous. Remove that from the API of resolve_relationship_condition,
+ # and instead make it "hard on purpose"
local $self->relationship_info( $args->{rel_name} )->{cond} = $cond if defined $cond;
# now it's fucking easy isn't it?!
- my $rc = $self->_resolve_relationship_condition( $args );
+ my $rc = $self->resolve_relationship_condition( $args );
my @res = (
( $rc->{join_free_condition} || $rc->{condition} ),
! $rc->{join_free_condition},
- # _resolve_relationship_condition always returns qualified cols even in the
+ # resolve_relationship_condition always returns qualified cols even in the
# case of join_free_condition, but nothing downstream expects this
if ($rc->{join_free_condition} and ref $res[0] eq 'HASH') {
$res[0] = { map
# we are moving to a constant
-# Resolves the passed condition to a concrete query fragment and extra
-# metadata
-## self-explanatory API, modeled on the custom cond coderef:
-# rel_name => (scalar)
-# foreign_alias => (scalar)
-# foreign_values => (either not supplied or a hashref )
-# self_alias => (scalar)
-# self_result_object => (either not supplied or a result object)
-# require_join_free_condition => (boolean, throws on failure to construct a JF-cond)
-# require_join_free_values => (boolean, throws on failure to return an equality-only JF-cond, implies require_join_free_condition)
-## returns a hash
-# condition => (a valid *likely fully qualified* sqla cond structure)
-# identity_map => (a hashref of foreign-to-self *unqualified* column equality names)
-# identity_map_matches_condition => (boolean, indicates whether the entire condition is expressed in the identity-map)
-# join_free_condition => (a valid *fully qualified* sqla cond structure, maybe unset)
-# join_free_values => (IFF the returned join_free_condition contains only exact values (no expressions)
-# this would be a hashref of identical join_free_condition, except with all column
-# names *unqualified* )
-sub _resolve_relationship_condition {
+=head2 resolve_relationship_condition
+NOTE: You generally B<SHOULD NOT> need to use this functionality... until you
+do. The API description is terse on purpose. If the text below doesn't make
+sense right away (based on the context which prompted you to look here) it is
+almost certain you are reaching for the wrong tool. Please consider asking for
+advice in any of the support channels before proceeding.
+=over 4
+=item Arguments: C<\%args> as shown below (C<B<*>> denotes mandatory args):
+ * rel_name => $string
+ * foreign_alias => $string
+ * self_alias => $string
+ foreign_values => \%column_value_pairs
+ self_result_object => $ResultObject
+ require_join_free_condition => $bool ( results in exception on failure to construct a JF-cond )
+ require_join_free_values => $bool ( results in exception on failure to return an equality-only JF-cond )
+=item Return Value: C<\%resolution_result> as shown below (C<B<*>> denotes always-resent parts of the result):
+ * condition => $sqla_condition ( always present, valid, *likely* fully qualified, SQL::Abstract-compatible structure )
+ identity_map => \%foreign_to_self_equailty_map ( list of declared-equal foreign/self *unqualified* column names )
+ identity_map_matches_condition => $bool ( indicates whether the entire condition is expressed within the identity_map )
+ join_free_condition => \%sqla_condition_fully_resolvable_via_foreign_table
+ ( always a hash, all keys guaranteed to be valid *fully qualified* columns )
+ join_free_values => \%unqalified_version_of_join_free_condition
+ ( IFF the returned join_free_condition contains only exact values (no expressions), this would be
+ a hashref identical to join_free_condition, except with all column names *unqualified* )
+This is the low-level method used to convert a declared relationship into
+various parameters consumed by higher level functions. It is provided as a
+stable official API, as the logic it encapsulates grew incredibly complex with
+time. While calling this method directly B<is generally discouraged>, you
+absolutely B<should be using it> in codepaths containing the moral equivalent
+ ...
+ if( ref $some_rsrc->relationship_info($somerel)->{cond} eq 'HASH' ) {
+ ...
+ }
+ ...
+# TODO - expand the documentation above, too terse
+sub resolve_relationship_condition {
my $self = shift;
my $args = { ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{ $_[0] } : @_ };
for ( qw( rel_name self_alias foreign_alias ) ) {
- $self->throw_exception("Mandatory argument '$_' to _resolve_relationship_condition() is not a plain string")
+ $self->throw_exception("Mandatory argument '$_' to resolve_relationship_condition() is not a plain string")
if !defined $args->{$_} or length ref $args->{$_};
else {
my @subconds = map {
local $rel_info->{cond} = $_;
- $self->_resolve_relationship_condition( $args );
+ $self->resolve_relationship_condition( $args );
} @{ $rel_info->{cond} };
if( @{ $rel_info->{cond} } == 1 ) {