a closed STDERR...
Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - refactor Statistics to create debugging filehandle to fix bug with
+ closed STDERR, update docs and modify Versioned to use Statistics
+ (original fix from diz)
0.08004 2007-08-06 19:00:00
- fix storage connect code to not trigger bug via auto-viv
(test from aherzog)
my $sql = shift();
my $params = @_;
- print "Executing $sql: ".join(', ', @params)."\n";
+ $self->print("Executing $sql: ".join(', ', @params)."\n");
$start = time();
my $sql = shift();
my @params = @_;
- printf("Execution took %0.4f seconds.\n", time() - $start);
+ my $elapsed = sprintf("%0.4f", time() - $start);
+ $self->print("Execution took $elapsed seconds.\n");
$start = undef;
You can then install that class as the debugging object:
- __PACKAGE__->storage()->debugobj(new My::Profiler());
- __PACKAGE__->storage()->debug(1);
+ __PACKAGE__->storage->debugobj(new My::Profiler());
+ __PACKAGE__->storage->debug(1);
A more complicated example might involve storing each execution of SQL in an
You could then create average, high and low execution times for an SQL
statement and dig down to see if certain parameters cause aberrant behavior.
+You might want to check out L<DBIx::Class::QueryLog> as well.
=head2 Getting the value of the primary key for the last database insert
for (@statements)
- $self->storage->debugfh->print("$_\n") if $self->storage->debug;
-# print "Running \n>>$_<<\n";
+ $self->storage->debugobj->query_start($_) if $self->storage->debug;
$self->storage->dbh->do($_) or warn "SQL was:\n $_";
+ $self->storage->debugobj->query_end($_) if $self->storage->debug;
return 1;
$new->debugobj(new DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics());
- my $fh;
+ #my $fh;
- if (defined($debug_env) && ($debug_env =~ /=(.+)$/)) {
- $fh = IO::File->new($1, 'w')
- or $new->throw_exception("Cannot open trace file $1");
- } else {
- $fh = IO::File->new('>&STDERR');
- }
- $fh->autoflush(1);
- $new->debugfh($fh);
$new->debug(1) if $debug_env;
should be set to STDERR - although see information on the
L<DBIC_TRACE> environment variable.
+=head2 print
+Prints the specified string to our debugging filehandle, which we will attempt
+to open if we haven't yet. Provided to save our methods the worry of how
+to display the message.
+sub print {
+ my ($self, $msg) = @_;
+ if(!defined($self->debugfh())) {
+ my $fh;
+ if (defined($debug_env) && ($debug_env =~ /=(.+)$/)) {
+ $fh = IO::File->new($1, 'w')
+ or die("Cannot open trace file $1");
+ } else {
+ $fh = IO::File->new('>&STDERR')
+ or die('Duplication of STDERR for debug output failed (perhaps your STDERR is closed?)');
+ }
+ $fh->autoflush();
+ $self->debugfh($fh);
+ }
+ $self->debugfh->print($msg);
=head2 txn_begin
Called when a transaction begins.
sub txn_begin {
my $self = shift;
- $self->debugfh->print("BEGIN WORK\n");
+ $self->print("BEGIN WORK\n");
=head2 txn_rollback
sub txn_rollback {
my $self = shift;
- $self->debugfh->print("ROLLBACK\n");
+ $self->print("ROLLBACK\n");
=head2 txn_commit
sub txn_commit {
my $self = shift;
- $self->debugfh->print("COMMIT\n");
+ $self->print("COMMIT\n");
=head2 query_start
- $self->debugfh->print($message);
+ $self->print($message);
=head2 query_end
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 2;
+plan tests => 5;
ok ( $schema->storage->debug(1), 'debug' );
ok ( defined(
+my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({});
+my $log = new IO::File('t/var/sql.log', 'r') or die($!);
+my $line = <$log>;
+ok($line =~ /^SELECT COUNT/, 'Log success');
+$ENV{'DBIC_TRACE'} = '=t/var/foo.log';
+$rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({});
+$log = new IO::File('t/var/foo.log', 'r') or die($!);
+$line = <$log>;
+ok($line =~ /^SELECT COUNT/, 'Log success');
+stat(STDERRCOPY); # nop to get warnings quiet
+eval {
+ $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({});
+ $rs->count();
+ok($@, 'Died on closed FH');