Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - Add DBIC_MULTICREATE_DEBUG env var (undocumented, quasi-internal)
+ - Fix up multi-create to:
+ - correctly propagate columns loaded during multi-insert of rels
+ - not try and insert things tagged on via new_related unless required
- Possible to set locale in IC::DateTime extra => {} config
+ - Calling the accessor of a belongs_to when the foreign_key
+ was NULL and the row was not stored would unexpectedly fail (groditi)
+ - Split sql statements for deploy only if SQLT::Producer returned a scalar
+ containing all statements to be executed
+ - Add as_query() for ResultSet and ResultSetColumn. This makes subqueries
+ possible. See the Cookbook for details. (robkinyon, michaelr)
0.08099_06 2009-01-23 07:30:00 (UTC)
- Allow a scalarref to be supplied to the 'from' resultset attribute
- PG array datatype supported with SQLA >= 1.50
- insert should use store_column, not set_column to avoid marking
clean just-stored values as dirty. New test for this (groditi)
+ - regression test for source_name (groditi)
0.08099_05 2008-10-30 21:30:00 (UTC)
- Rewritte of Storage::DBI::connect_info(), extended with an
rjbs: Ricardo Signes <>
+robkinyon: Rob Kinyon <>
sc_: Just Another Perl Hacker
scotty: Scotty Allen <>
- numbers => \[ '= ?', [1, 2, 3] ]
+ numbers => \[ '= ?', [numbers => [1, 2, 3]] ]
See L<SQL::Abstract/array_datatypes> and L<SQL::Abstract/Literal SQL with
-placeholders and bind values (subqueries)> for more explanation.
+placeholders and bind values (subqueries)> for more explanation. Note that
+L<DBIx::Class> sets L<SQL::Abstract/bindtype> to C<columns>, so you must pass
+the bind values (the C<[1, 2, 3]> arrayref in the above example) wrapped in
+arrayrefs together with the column name, like this: C<< [column_name => value]
$rel_info->{cond}, $rel, $self
if ($rel_info->{attrs}->{undef_on_null_fk}){
+ return unless ref($cond) eq 'HASH';
return if grep { not defined } values %$cond;
my $val = $self->find_related($rel, {}, {});
sub _safely_ensure_connected {
my ($self, $replicant, @args) = @_;
- my $return; eval {
- $return = $replicant->ensure_connected(@args);
- }; if ($@) {
+ eval {
+ $replicant->ensure_connected(@args);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
- ->debugobj
- ->print(
- sprintf( "Exception trying to ->ensure_connected for replicant %s, error is %s",
- $self->_dbi_connect_info->[0], $@)
+ ->debugobj
+ ->print(
+ sprintf( "Exception trying to ->ensure_connected for replicant %s, error is %s",
+ $replicant->_dbi_connect_info->[0], $@)
+ return;
- return $return;
+ return 1;
=head2 connected_replicants
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 74;
+plan tests => 69;
# has_a test
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(4);
my $count;
lives_ok {
$count = $schema->resultset('ArrayTest')->search({
- arrayfield => \[ '= ?' => [3, 4] ], #TODO anything less ugly than this?
+ arrayfield => \[ '= ?' => [arrayfield => [3, 4]] ], #TODO anything less ugly than this?
} 'comparing arrayref to pg array data does not blow up';
is($count, 1, 'comparing arrayref to pg array data gives correct result');
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
-plan tests => 132;
+plan tests => 133;
my $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
parser_args => {
$schema->source('Track')->sqlt_deploy_callback(sub {
my ($self, $sqlt_table) = @_;
- if ($sqlt_table->schema->translator->producer_type =~ /SQLite$/ ) {
+ if ($schema->storage->sqlt_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
$sqlt_table->add_index( name => 'track_title', fields => ['title'] )
or die $sqlt_table->error;
$dbh->do('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bindtype_test');
# the blob/clob are for reference only, will be useful when we switch to SQLT and can test Oracle along the way
- # the blob/clob are for reference only, will be useful when we switch to SQLT and can test Oracle along the way
CREATE TABLE bindtype_test
],{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 });
+my $big_long_string = "\x00\x01\x02 abcd" x 125000;
+my $new;
+# test inserting a row
+ $new = $schema->resultset('BindType')->create({ bytea => $big_long_string });
+ ok($new->id, "Created a bytea row");
+ is($new->bytea, $big_long_string, "Set the blob correctly.");
# test retrieval of the bytea column
my $row = $schema->resultset('BindType')->find({ id => $new->id });
is($row->get_column('bytea'), $big_long_string, "Created the blob correctly.");
-my $new = $schema->resultset('BindType')->create({ bytea => $big_long_string });
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO =
+ 'Passing bind attributes to $sth->bind_param() should be implemented (it only works in $storage->insert ATM)';
-ok($new->id, "Created a bytea row");
-is($new->bytea, $big_long_string, "Set the blob correctly.");
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('BindType')->search({ bytea => $big_long_string });
-my $rs = $schema->resultset('BindType')->find({ id => $new->id });
+ # search on the bytea column (select)
+ {
+ my $row = $rs->first;
+ is($row ? $row->id : undef, $new->id, "Found the row searching on the bytea column.");
+ }
-is($rs->get_column('bytea'), $big_long_string, "Created the blob correctly.");
+ # search on the bytea column (update)
+ {
+ my $new_big_long_string = $big_long_string . "2";
+ $schema->txn_do(sub {
+ $rs->update({ bytea => $new_big_long_string });
+ my $row = $schema->resultset('BindType')->find({ id => $new->id });
+ is($row ? $row->get_column('bytea') : undef, $new_big_long_string,
+ "Updated the row correctly (searching on the bytea column)."
+ );
+ $schema->txn_rollback;
+ });
+ }
-$dbh->do("DROP TABLE bindtype_test");
+ # search on the bytea column (delete)
+ {
+ $schema->txn_do(sub {
+ $rs->delete;
+ my $row = $schema->resultset('BindType')->find({ id => $new->id });
+ is($row, undef, "Deleted the row correctly (searching on the bytea column).");
+ $schema->txn_rollback;
+ });
+ }
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE bindtype_test");
our @EXPORT = qw/
+ &is_same_sql
+ &is_same_bind
+ &eq_sql_bind
$tb->ok($same_sql && $same_bind, $msg);
if (!$same_sql) {
- $tb->diag("SQL expressions differ\n"
- . " got: $sql1\n"
- . "expected: $sql2\n"
- );
+ _sql_differ_diag($sql1, $sql2);
if (!$same_bind) {
- $tb->diag("BIND values differ\n"
- . " got: " . Dumper($bind_ref1)
- . "expected: " . Dumper($bind_ref2)
- );
+ _bind_differ_diag($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2);
+ sub is_same_sql
+ {
+ my ($sql1, $sql2, $msg) = @_;
+ my $same_sql = eq_sql($sql1, $sql2);
+ $tb->ok($same_sql, $msg);
+ if (!$same_sql) {
+ _sql_differ_diag($sql1, $sql2);
+ }
+ }
+ sub is_same_bind
+ {
+ my ($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2, $msg) = @_;
+ my $same_bind = eq_bind($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2);
+ $tb->ok($same_bind, $msg);
+ if (!$same_bind) {
+ _bind_differ_diag($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2);
+ }
+ }
+ sub _sql_differ_diag
+ {
+ my ($sql1, $sql2) = @_;
+ $tb->diag("SQL expressions differ\n"
+ . " got: $sql1\n"
+ . "expected: $sql2\n"
+ );
+ }
+ sub _bind_differ_diag
+ {
+ my ($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2) = @_;
+ $tb->diag("BIND values differ\n"
+ . " got: " . Dumper($bind_ref1)
+ . "expected: " . Dumper($bind_ref2)
+ );
+ }
sub eq_sql
my ($left, $right) = @_;
return eq_deeply($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2);
+ sub eq_sql_bind
+ {
+ my ($sql1, $bind_ref1, $sql2, $bind_ref2) = @_;
+ return eq_sql($sql1, $sql2) && eq_bind($bind_ref1, $bind_ref2);
+ }
eval "use SQL::Abstract::Test;";
# SQL::Abstract::Test available
*is_same_sql_bind = \&SQL::Abstract::Test::is_same_sql_bind;
+ *is_same_sql = \&SQL::Abstract::Test::is_same_sql;
+ *is_same_bind = \&SQL::Abstract::Test::is_same_bind;
*eq_sql = \&SQL::Abstract::Test::eq_sql;
*eq_bind = \&SQL::Abstract::Test::eq_bind;
+ *eq_sql_bind = \&SQL::Abstract::Test::eq_sql_bind;
} else {
# old SQL::Abstract
*is_same_sql_bind = \&DBIC::SqlMakerTest::SQLATest::is_same_sql_bind;
+ *is_same_sql = \&DBIC::SqlMakerTest::SQLATest::is_same_sql;
+ *is_same_bind = \&DBIC::SqlMakerTest::SQLATest::is_same_bind;
*eq_sql = \&DBIC::SqlMakerTest::SQLATest::eq_sql;
*eq_bind = \&DBIC::SqlMakerTest::SQLATest::eq_bind;
+ *eq_sql_bind = \&DBIC::SqlMakerTest::SQLATest::eq_sql_bind;
Compares given and expected pairs of C<($sql, \@bind)>, and calls
L<Test::Builder/ok> on the result, with C<$test_msg> as message.
+=head2 is_same_sql
+ is_same_sql(
+ $given_sql,
+ $expected_sql,
+ $test_msg
+ );
+Compares given and expected SQL statement, and calls L<Test::Builder/ok> on the
+result, with C<$test_msg> as message.
+=head2 is_same_bind
+ is_same_bind(
+ \@given_bind,
+ \@expected_bind,
+ $test_msg
+ );
+Compares given and expected bind value lists, and calls L<Test::Builder/ok> on
+the result, with C<$test_msg> as message.
=head2 eq_sql
my $is_same = eq_sql($given_sql, $expected_sql);
Compares two lists of bind values. Returns true IFF their values are the same.
+=head2 eq_sql_bind
+ my $is_same = eq_sql_bind(
+ $given_sql, \@given_bind,
+ $expected_sql, \@expected_bind
+ );
+Compares the two SQL statements and the two lists of bind values. Returns true
+IFF they are equivalent and the bind values are the same.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-- Created by SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite
--- Created on Sat Jan 17 19:40:47 2009
+-- Created on Sat Jan 24 19:42:15 2009
CREATE INDEX cd_artwork_idx_cd_id_cd_artwor ON cd_artwork (cd_id);
+-- Table: artwork_to_artist
+CREATE TABLE artwork_to_artist (
+ artwork_cd_id integer NOT NULL,
+ artist_id integer NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (artwork_cd_id, artist_id)
+CREATE INDEX artwork_to_artist_idx_artist_id_artwork_to_arti ON artwork_to_artist (artist_id);
+CREATE INDEX artwork_to_artist_idx_artwork_cd_id_artwork_to_ ON artwork_to_artist (artwork_cd_id);
-- Table: bindtype_test
CREATE TABLE bindtype_test (