use mro 'c3';
use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
use List::Util ();
+use Sub::Name ();
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' =>
- qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update _insert_dbh _identity_method/
+ qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update _insert_storage _identity_method/
+my @delegate_to_insert_storage = qw/
+ disconnect _connect_info _sql_maker _sql_maker_opts disable_sth_caching
+ auto_savepoint unsafe cursor_class debug debugobj schema
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase - Sybase support for DBIx::Class
# based on LongReadLen in connect_info
$self->set_textsize if $self->using_freetds;
+# create storage for insert transactions
+ $self->_insert_storage((ref $self)->new);
+ $self->_insert_storage->connect_info($self->connect_info);
+ $self->_insert_storage->set_textsize if $self->using_freetds;
+for my $method (@delegate_to_insert_storage) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$method} = Sub::Name::subname $method => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_insert_storage->$method(@_) if $self->_insert_storage;
+ return $self->next::method(@_);
+ };
# Make sure we have CHAINED mode turned on if AutoCommit is off in non-FreeTDS
# do we need the horrific SELECT MAX(COL) hack?
my $dumb_last_insert_id =
- ( $identity_col
- && (not exists $to_insert->{$identity_col})
- && ($self->_identity_method||'') ne '@@IDENTITY'
- ) ? 1 : 0;
+ $identity_col
+ && (not exists $to_insert->{$identity_col})
+ && ($self->_identity_method||'') ne '@@IDENTITY';
my $next = $self->next::can;
- # this is tricky: a transaction needs to take place if we need
- # either a last_insert_id or we will be doing blob insert.
- # This will happen on a *seperate* connection, thus the local()
- # acrobatics
- local $self->{_dbh};
- $self->_insert_dbh($self->_connect(@{ $self->_dbi_connect_info }))
- unless $self->_insert_dbh;
+ # otherwise use the _insert_storage to do the insert+transaction on another
+ # connection
+ my $guard = $self->_insert_storage->txn_scope_guard;
- $self->{_dbh} = $self->_insert_dbh;
- my $guard = $self->txn_scope_guard;
- # _dbh_begin_work in the guard may reconnect,
- # so we update the accessor just in case
- $self->_insert_dbh($self->_dbh);
- my $updated_cols = $self->_insert (
+ my $updated_cols = $self->_insert_storage->_insert (
$next, $source, $to_insert, $blob_cols, $identity_col
+ $self->_identity($self->_insert_storage->_identity);
return $updated_cols;
sub _insert {
return $self->next::method(@_);
-# update+blob update(s) done atomically on separate connection (see insert)
- local $self->{_dbh};
- $self->_insert_dbh($self->_connect(@{ $self->_dbi_connect_info }))
- unless $self->_insert_dbh;
+# update+blob update(s) done atomically on separate connection
+ $self = $self->_insert_storage;
- $self->{_dbh} = $self->_insert_dbh;
my $guard = $self->txn_scope_guard;
- # _dbh_begin_work in the guard may reconnect,
- # so we update the accessor just in case
- $self->_insert_dbh($self->_dbh);
my @res;
if ($wantarray) {
@res = $self->next::method(@_);
@row_to_update{@primary_cols} = @{$where}{@primary_cols};
@rows = \%row_to_update;
} else {
- my $rs = $source->resultset->search(
- $where,
- {
- result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
- columns => \@primary_cols
- }
- );
- @rows = $rs->all; # statement must finish
+ my $cursor = $self->select ($source, \@primary_cols, $where, {});
+ @rows = map {
+ my %row; @row{@primary_cols} = @$_; \%row
+ } $cursor->all;
for my $row (@rows) {
my $blob = $blob_cols->{$col};
my %where = map { ($_, $row{$_}) } @primary_cols;
- my $cursor = $source->resultset->search(\%where, {
- select => [$col]
- })->cursor;
+ my $cursor = $self->select ($source, [$col], \%where, {});
my $sth = $cursor->sth;
C<SELECT MAX(col)>, which is the only way to get the C<IDENTITY> value in this
+In addition, they are done on a separate connection so that it's possible to
+have active cursors when doing an insert.
When using C<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase::NoBindVars> transactions are
disabled, as there are no concurrency issues with C<SELECT @@IDENTITY> as it's a
session variable.
Transactions done for inserts in C<AutoCommit> mode when placeholders are in use
-are not affected, as they use an extra database handle to do the insert.
+are not affected, as they are done on an extra database handle.
Some workarounds: