- Fix t/storage/replicated.t class loading problem
- Stop using the deprecated Class::MOP::load_class()
- Fix warning in t/54taint.t with explicitly unset PERL5LIB (RT#91972)
+ - Fix t/54taint.t failing under a local::lib with installed earlier
+ DBIC version (RT#92486)
* Misc
- Massive incompatible change of ::BlockRunner internals (was never
+# We need to specify 'lib' here as well because even if it was already in
+# @INC, the above will have put our local::lib in front of it, so now an
+# installed DBIx::Class will take precedence over the one we're trying to test.
+# In some cases, prove will have supplied ./lib as an absolute path so it
+# doesn't seem worth trying to remove the second copy since it won't hurt
+# anything.
+use lib qw(t/lib lib);
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
throws_ok (