SQL/API feature complete?
- - proper join conditions!
- function calls on the LHS of conditions..
Moosification - ouch
Metamodel stuff - introspection
-Prefetch improvements
- - slow on mysql, speedup?
- - multi has_many prefetch
Magically "discover" needed joins/prefetches and add them
- eg $books->search({ 'author.name' => 'Fred'}), autoadds: join => 'author'
- also guess aliases when supplying column names that are on joined/related tables
- single vs filter, discrepancies.. remove one of them and make behave the same?
-Joining/searching weird attribute tables?
- - Support legacy/badly designed junk better..
Documentation - improvements
- better indexing for finding of stuff in general
- more cross-referencing of docs
2005-04-16 by mst
- - set_from_related should take undef
- ResultSource objects caching ->resultset causes interesting problems
- find why XSUB dumper kills schema in Catalyst (may be Pg only?)