aherzog: Adam Herzog <adam@herzogdesigns.com>
+amiri: Amiri Barksdale <amiri@metalabel.com>
amoore: Andrew Moore <amoore@cpan.org>
andyg: Andy Grundman <andy@hybridized.org>
'simple' => qw(is_virtual view_definition depends_on)
-sub new {
- my $new = shift->next::method(@_);
- $new->{depends_on} = { %{$new->{depends_on}||{}} };
- return $new;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View - ResultSource object representing a view
An SQL query for your view. Will not be translated across database
+=head2 new
+The constructor. This is a private method, as only other DBIC modules
+should call this. See L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource::MultipleTableInheritance>.
+sub new {
+ my $new = shift->next::method(@_);
+ $new->{depends_on} = { %{$new->{depends_on}||{}} };
+ return $new;
=head2 from
Returns the FROM entry for the table (i.e. the view name)
return $self->name;
+=head2 depends_on
+An internal method for the construction of a hashref of the view's
+superclasses, e.g., the sources that comprise it.
+See L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource::MultipleTableInheritance>.
=head1 AUTHORS
(exists $b->depends_on->{$a->source_name} ? 1 : 0)
- map { $dbicschema->source($_) } (sort keys %@view_monikers);
+ map { $dbicschema->source($_) } (sort keys %view_monikers);
foreach my $source (@view_sources)
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use Devel::Dwarn;
+use ViewDeps;
+ use_ok('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View');
+my $view = DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View->new( { name => 'Upsilon' } );
+isa_ok( $view, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource' );
+isa_ok( $view, 'DBIx::Class' );
+can_ok( $view, $_ ) for qw/new from depends_on/;
+diag( map {"$_\n"} @{ mro::get_linear_isa($view) } );
+#diag( DwarnS $view);
+my $schema = ViewDeps->connect;
+#diag(DwarnS $schema);
+#diag(DwarnS $schema->resultset('Bar')->result_source->depends_on);
+diag keys %{$schema->resultset('Bar')->result_source->depends_on};
+my @dependencies = keys %{$schema->resultset('Bar')->result_source->depends_on};
+is($dependencies[0], 'mixin');
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ ViewDeps;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(DBIx::Class::Schema);
+use aliased 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View' => 'View';
+#for my $p (__PACKAGE__) {
+ #$p->load_namespaces;
+ #$_->attach_additional_sources
+ #for grep $_->isa(View), map $p->source($_), $p->sources;
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ ViewDeps::Result::Bar;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(ViewDeps::Result::Foo);
+require ViewDeps::Result::Mixin;
+ { ViewDeps::Result::Mixin->result_source_instance->name => 1 }
+ b => { data_type => 'integer' }
+ 'b_thang',
+ 'ViewDeps::Result::JustATable',
+ { 'foreign.id' => 'self.b' },
+ 'foos',
+ 'ViewDeps::Result::Foo',
+ { 'foreign.a' => 'self.id' }
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ ViewDeps::Result::Foo;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(DBIx::Class::Core);
+use aliased 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View';
+ id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ a => { data_type => 'integer', is_nullable => 1 }
+ 'bar',
+ 'ViewDeps::Result::Bar',
+ { 'foreign.id' => 'self.a' }
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ ViewDeps::Result::JustATable;
+use base qw(DBIx::Class::Core);
+ id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ name => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 255 }
+ 'bars',
+ 'ViewDeps::Result::Bar',
+ { 'foreign.b' => 'self.id' }
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ ViewDeps::Result::Mixin;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(DBIx::Class::Core);
+ id => {
+ data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, sequence => 'foo_id_seq'
+ },
+ words => { data_type => 'text' }