- Sybase now supports autoinc PKs (RT#40265)
- Prefetch on joins over duplicate relations now works
correctly (RT#28451)
+ - "timestamp with time zone" columns (for Pg) now get inflated with a
+ time zone information preserved
0.08102 2009-04-30 08:29:00 (UTC)
- Fixed two subtle bugs when using columns or select/as
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ if $_[0] !~ /extra \=\> .+? has been deprecated/ };
+ DBICTest::Schema->load_classes('EventTZPg');
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-eval { require DateTime::Format::MySQL };
-plan skip_all => "Need DateTime::Format::MySQL for inflation tests" if $@;
+plan tests => 53;
+SKIP: {
+ eval { require DateTime::Format::MySQL };
+ skip "Need DateTime::Format::MySQL for inflation tests", 50 if $@;
-plan tests => 50;
# inflation test
my $event = $schema->resultset("Event")->find(1);
## skip inflation field
my $skip_inflation = $event->skip_inflation;
is ("$skip_inflation", '2006-04-21 18:04:06', 'Correct date/time');
+} # Skip if no MySQL DT::Formatter
+SKIP: {
+ skip "ENV{DBIC_FLOATING_TZ_OK} was set, skipping", 3 unless eval { require DateTime::Format::Pg; 1};
+ my $event = $schema->resultset("EventTZPg")->find(1);
+ $event->update({created_on => '2009-01-15 17:00:00+00'});
+ $event->discard_changes;
+ isa_ok($event->created_on, "DateTime") or diag $event->created_on;
+ is($event->created_on->time_zone->name, "America/Chicago", "Timezone changed");
+ # Time zone difference -> -6hours
+ is($event->created_on->iso8601, "2009-01-15T11:00:00", "Time with TZ correct");
--- /dev/null
+package DBICTest::Schema::EventTZPg;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw/DBICTest::BaseResult/;
+ id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ starts_at => { data_type => 'datetime', timezone => "America/Chicago", locale => 'de_DE' },
+ created_on => { data_type => 'timestamp with time zone', timezone => "America/Chicago" },
+sub _datetime_parser {
+ require DateTime::Format::Pg;
+ DateTime::Format::Pg->new();