No idea how it never got noticed, but both have been broken since the very
first commits that introduced the methods (
4fa7bc22 / e4bb6727 ). While
changing them 7 years later is a rather serious modification of behavior,
the old way never worked without users having to force-scalar each call site.
If someone has been relying on e.g. [ func_rs(...) ] to return actual result
objects instead of the resultset instance - things will blow up rather quickly
and loudly (aside from the carp()-ed warning encouraging users to switch to
scalar ctx explicitly)
[ func( ... ) ] of course continues to behave like before (directly returning
raw values off the cursor... sigh)
an underlying search_rs(), as by design these arguments would be
used only on the first call to ->related_resultset(), and ignored
afterwards. Instead an exception (detailing the fix) is thrown.
+ - Change func_rs() and as_subselect_rs() to properly ignore list
+ context (i.e. wantarray). Both were implemented broken from day 1 :/
- Increased checking for the correctness of the is_nullable attribute
within the prefetch result parser may highlight previously unknown
mismatches between your codebase and data source
sub as_subselect_rs {
+ # FIXME - remove at some point in the future (2018-ish)
+ wantarray
+ and
+ carp_unique(
+ 'Starting with DBIC@0.082900 as_subselect_rs() always returns a ResultSet '
+ . 'instance regardless of calling context. Please force scalar() context to '
+ . 'silence this warning'
+ )
+ and
+ and
+ my $sog = fail_on_internal_wantarray
+ ;
my $self = shift;
my $alias = $self->current_source_alias;
delete $fresh_rs->{cond};
delete @{$fresh_rs->{attrs}}{qw/where bind/};
- return $fresh_rs->search( {}, {
+ $fresh_rs->search_rs( {}, {
from => [{
$alias => $self->as_query,
-alias => $alias,
$rs = $rs->as_subselect_rs;
- $rs->search( undef, {
+ # FIXME - remove at some point in the future (2018-ish)
+ wantarray
+ and
+ carp_unique(
+ 'Starting with DBIC@0.082900 func_rs() always returns a ResultSet '
+ . 'instance regardless of calling context. Please force scalar() context to '
+ . 'silence this warning'
+ )
+ and
+ and
+ my $sog = fail_on_internal_wantarray
+ ;
+ $rs->search_rs( undef, {
columns => { $self->{_as} => { $function => $select } }
} );
is_deeply (\@all_titles, \@nexted_titles, 'next works');
+my @list_ctx;
+warnings_exist {
+ @list_ctx = $rs_year->func_rs('DISTINCT');
+} [qr/\Qfunc_rs() always returns a ResultSet instance regardless of calling context/];
+is( scalar @list_ctx, 1, 'wantarray context does not affect func_rs');
+isa_ok( $list_ctx[0], 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet' );
+isa_ok( scalar( $rs_year->func_rs('DISTINCT') ), 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet' );
is_deeply( [ sort $rs_year->func('DISTINCT') ], [ 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 ], "wantarray context okay");
ok ($max_year->next == $rs_year->max, q/get_column (\'FUNC') ok/);