=head2 Connecting
-To connect to your Schema, you need to provide the connection details. The
-arguments are the same as for L<DBI/connect>:
+To connect to your Schema, you need to provide the connection details or a
+database handle.
+=head3 Via connection details
+The arguments are the same as for L<DBI/connect>:
my $schema = My::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:/home/me/myapp/my.db');
See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Storage::DBI/connect_info> for more information about
this and other special C<connect>-time options.
+=head3 Via a database handle
+The supplied coderef is expected to return a single connected database handle
+(e.g. a L<DBI> C<$dbh>)
+ my $schema = My::Schema->connect (
+ sub { Some::DBH::Factory->connect },
+ \%extra_attrs,
+ );
=head2 Basic usage
Once you've defined the basic classes, either manually or using