sub _rs_update_delete {
my ($self, $op, $values) = @_;
- my $cond = $self->{cond};
my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
my $storage = $rsrc->schema->storage;
# simplify the joinmap, so we can further decide if a subq is necessary
if (!$needs_subq and @{$attrs->{from}} > 1) {
- $attrs->{from} = $storage->_prune_unused_joins ($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $cond, $attrs);
+ $attrs->{from} = $storage->_prune_unused_joins ($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $self->{cond}, $attrs);
# check if there are any joins left after the prune
if ( @{$attrs->{from}} > 1 ) {
$join_classifications = $storage->_resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args (
[ @{$attrs->{from}}[1 .. $#{$attrs->{from}}] ],
- $cond,
+ $self->{cond},
ref $attrs->{from}[0]{ $attrs->{from}[0]{-alias} }
+ my ($cond, $guard);
# do we need anything like a subquery?
- unless ($needs_subq) {
+ if (! $needs_subq) {
# Most databases do not allow aliasing of tables in UPDATE/DELETE. Thus
# a condition containing 'me' or other table prefixes will not work
# at all. Tell SQLMaker to dequalify idents via a gross hack.
- my $cond = do {
+ $cond = do {
my $sqla = $rsrc->storage->sql_maker;
local $sqla->{_dequalify_idents} = 1;
\[ $sqla->_recurse_where($self->{cond}) ];
- return $rsrc->storage->$op(
- $rsrc,
- $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
- $cond,
- );
+ else {
+ # we got this far - means it is time to wrap a subquery
+ my $idcols = $rsrc->_identifying_column_set || $self->throw_exception(
+ sprintf(
+ "Unable to perform complex resultset %s() without an identifying set of columns on source '%s'",
+ $op,
+ $rsrc->source_name,
+ )
+ );
- # we got this far - means it is time to wrap a subquery
- my $idcols = $rsrc->_identifying_column_set || $self->throw_exception(
- sprintf(
- "Unable to perform complex resultset %s() without an identifying set of columns on source '%s'",
- $op,
- $rsrc->source_name,
- )
- );
- # make a new $rs selecting only the PKs (that's all we really need for the subq)
- delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/collapse _collapse_order_by select _prefetch_selector_range as/;
- $attrs->{columns} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } @$idcols ];
- $attrs->{group_by} = \ ''; # FIXME - this is an evil hack, it causes the optimiser to kick in and throw away the LEFT joins
- my $subrs = (ref $self)->new($rsrc, $attrs);
+ # make a new $rs selecting only the PKs (that's all we really need for the subq)
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/collapse _collapse_order_by select _prefetch_selector_range as/;
+ $attrs->{columns} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } @$idcols ];
+ $attrs->{group_by} = \ ''; # FIXME - this is an evil hack, it causes the optimiser to kick in and throw away the LEFT joins
+ my $subrs = (ref $self)->new($rsrc, $attrs);
- if (@$idcols == 1) {
- return $storage->$op (
- $rsrc,
- $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
- { $idcols->[0] => { -in => $subrs->as_query } },
- );
- }
- elsif ($storage->_use_multicolumn_in) {
- return $storage->$op (
- $rsrc,
- $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
+ if (@$idcols == 1) {
+ $cond = { $idcols->[0] => { -in => $subrs->as_query } };
+ }
+ elsif ($storage->_use_multicolumn_in) {
# no syntax for calling this properly yet
- $storage->sql_maker->_where_op_multicolumn_in (
+ $cond = $storage->sql_maker->_where_op_multicolumn_in (
$idcols, # how do I convey a list of idents...? can binds reside on lhs?
- );
- }
- else {
- # if all else fails - get all primary keys and operate over a ORed set
- # wrap in a transaction for consistency
- # this is where the group_by/multiplication starts to matter
- if (
- $existing_group_by
- or
- keys %{ $join_classifications->{multiplying} || {} }
- ) {
- # make sure if there is a supplied group_by it matches the columns compiled above
- # perfectly. Anything else can not be sanely executed on most databases so croak
- # right then and there
- if ($existing_group_by) {
- my @current_group_by = map
- { $_ =~ /\./ ? $_ : "$attrs->{alias}.$_" }
- @$existing_group_by
- ;
- if (
- join ("\x00", sort @current_group_by)
- ne
- join ("\x00", sort @{$attrs->{columns}} )
- ) {
- $self->throw_exception (
- "You have just attempted a $op operation on a resultset which does group_by"
- . ' on columns other than the primary keys, while DBIC internally needs to retrieve'
- . ' the primary keys in a subselect. All sane RDBMS engines do not support this'
- . ' kind of queries. Please retry the operation with a modified group_by or'
- . ' without using one at all.'
- );
+ }
+ else {
+ # if all else fails - get all primary keys and operate over a ORed set
+ # wrap in a transaction for consistency
+ # this is where the group_by/multiplication starts to matter
+ if (
+ $existing_group_by
+ or
+ keys %{ $join_classifications->{multiplying} || {} }
+ ) {
+ # make sure if there is a supplied group_by it matches the columns compiled above
+ # perfectly. Anything else can not be sanely executed on most databases so croak
+ # right then and there
+ if ($existing_group_by) {
+ my @current_group_by = map
+ { $_ =~ /\./ ? $_ : "$attrs->{alias}.$_" }
+ @$existing_group_by
+ ;
+ if (
+ join ("\x00", sort @current_group_by)
+ ne
+ join ("\x00", sort @{$attrs->{columns}} )
+ ) {
+ $self->throw_exception (
+ "You have just attempted a $op operation on a resultset which does group_by"
+ . ' on columns other than the primary keys, while DBIC internally needs to retrieve'
+ . ' the primary keys in a subselect. All sane RDBMS engines do not support this'
+ . ' kind of queries. Please retry the operation with a modified group_by or'
+ . ' without using one at all.'
+ );
+ }
- }
- $subrs = $subrs->search({}, { group_by => $attrs->{columns} });
- }
+ $subrs = $subrs->search({}, { group_by => $attrs->{columns} });
+ }
- my $guard = $storage->txn_scope_guard;
+ $guard = $storage->txn_scope_guard;
- my @op_condition;
- for my $row ($subrs->cursor->all) {
- push @op_condition, { map
- { $idcols->[$_] => $row->[$_] }
- (0 .. $#$idcols)
- };
+ $cond = [];
+ for my $row ($subrs->cursor->all) {
+ push @$cond, { map
+ { $idcols->[$_] => $row->[$_] }
+ (0 .. $#$idcols)
+ };
+ }
+ }
- my $res = $storage->$op (
- $rsrc,
- $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
- \@op_condition,
- );
+ my $res = $storage->$op (
+ $rsrc,
+ $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
+ $cond,
+ );
- $guard->commit;
+ $guard->commit if $guard;
- return $res;
- }
+ return $res;
=head2 update