test_requires 'Test::Deep' => 0;
test_requires 'Test::Exception' => 0;
test_requires 'Test::More' => 0.92;
-test_requires 'Test::Warn' => 0.11;
+test_requires 'Test::Warn' => 0.21;
test_requires 'File::Temp' => 0.22;
+ $connect_info_args = [{
+ dbh_maker => sub { DBI->connect (...) },
+ %dbi_attributes,
+ %extra_attributes,
+ }];
This is particularly useful for L<Catalyst> based applications, allowing the
following config (L<Config::General> style):
The C<dsn>/C<user>/C<password> combination can be substituted by the
-C<dbh_maker> key whose value is a coderef that returns the C<$dbh>.
+C<dbh_maker> key whose value is a coderef that returns a connected
+L<DBI database handle|DBI/connect>
@args = ();
if (my $code = delete $attrs{dbh_maker}) {
@args = $code;
- if (delete @attrs{qw/dsn user password/}) {
- warn 'dsn/user/password ignored when dbh_maker coderef used in ' .
- 'connect_info';
+ my @ignored = grep { delete $attrs{$_} } (qw/dsn user password/);
+ if (@ignored) {
+ carp sprintf (
+ 'Attribute(s) %s in connect_info were ignored, as they can not be applied '
+ . "to the result of 'dbh_maker'",
+ join (', ', map { "'$_'" } (@ignored) ),
+ );
else {
use strict;
-use warnings;
+use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
use Data::Dumper;
-plan tests => 21;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( sqlite_use_file => 1 );
is( ref($schema->storage), 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite',
'connect_info ([ \%attr_with_coderef ])' => {
args => [ {
dbh_maker => $coderef,
+ dsn => 'blah',
+ user => 'bleh',
on_connect_do => [qw/a b c/],
on_disconnect_do => [qw/d e f/],
} ],
dbi_connect_info => [
+ warn => qr/Attribute\(s\) 'dsn', 'user' in connect_info were ignored/,
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $arg_dump = Dumper ($invocations->{$type}{args});
- $storage->connect_info ($invocations->{$type}{args});
+ my $do = sub { };
- is ($arg_dump, Dumper ($invocations->{$type}{args}), "$type didn't modify passed arguments");
+ warnings_exist (
+ sub { $storage->connect_info ($invocations->{$type}{args}) },
+ $invocations->{$type}{warn} || (),
+ 'Warned about ignored attributes',
+ );
+ is ($arg_dump, Dumper ($invocations->{$type}{args}), "$type didn't modify passed arguments");
is_deeply ($storage->_dbi_connect_info, $invocations->{$type}{dbi_connect_info}, "$type produced correct _dbi_connect_info");
ok ( (not $storage->auto_savepoint and not $storage->unsafe), "$type correctly ignored extra hashref");