- my $class = shift;
+ my $self = shift;
- $class->ObjectCount( $class->ObjectCount() + 1 );
+ $self->ObjectCount( $self->ObjectCount() + 1 );
- my $hca3 = HasClassAttribute->new( ObjectCount => 20 );
- is( $hca3->ObjectCount(), 3,
- 'class attributes are not affected by constructor params' );
- is( HasClassAttribute->ObjectCount(), 3,
+ eval { HasClassAttribute->new( ObjectCount => 20 ) };
+ like( $@, qr/\QCannot set a class attribute via the constructor (ObjectCount)/,
+ 'passing a class attribute to the constructor throws an error' );
+ is( HasClassAttribute->ObjectCount(), 2,
'class attributes are not affected by constructor params' );
- ok( isweak( $HasClassAttribute::__ClassAttribute{WeakAttribute} ),
+ undef $object;
+ ok( ! defined HasClassAttribute->WeakAttribute(),
'weak class attributes are weak' );