$class = ref $class if ref $class;
$attrs = { %{ $attrs || {} } };
my %seen;
+ my $alias = ($attrs->{alias} ||= 'me');
if (!$attrs->{select}) {
my @cols = ($attrs->{cols}
? @{delete $attrs->{cols}}
: $source->result_class->_select_columns);
- $attrs->{select} = [ map { m/\./ ? $_ : "me.$_" } @cols ];
+ $attrs->{select} = [ map { m/\./ ? $_ : "${alias}.$_" } @cols ];
- $attrs->{as} ||= [ map { m/^me\.(.*)$/ ? $1 : $_ } @{$attrs->{select}} ];
+ $attrs->{as} ||= [ map { m/^$alias\.(.*)$/ ? $1 : $_ } @{$attrs->{select}} ];
#use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper(@{$attrs}{qw/select as/});
- $attrs->{from} ||= [ { 'me' => $source->name } ];
+ $attrs->{from} ||= [ { $alias => $source->name } ];
if (my $join = delete $attrs->{join}) {
foreach my $j (ref $join eq 'ARRAY'
? (@{$join}) : ($join)) {
$seen{$j} = 1;
- push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->result_class->_resolve_join($join, 'me'));
+ push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->result_class->_resolve_join($join, $attrs->{alias}));
$attrs->{group_by} ||= $attrs->{select} if delete $attrs->{distinct};
foreach my $pre (@{delete $attrs->{prefetch} || []}) {
- push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->result_class->_resolve_join($pre, 'me'))
+ push(@{$attrs->{from}}, $source->result_class->_resolve_join($pre, $attrs->{alias}))
unless $seen{$pre};
my @pre =
map { "$pre.$_" }
push(@{$attrs->{select}}, @pre);
push(@{$attrs->{as}}, @pre);
+ if ($attrs->{page}) {
+ $attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
+ $attrs->{offset} ||= 0;
+ $attrs->{offset} += ($attrs->{rows} * ($attrs->{page} - 1));
+ }
my $new = {
source => $source,
cond => $attrs->{where},
pager => undef,
attrs => $attrs };
bless ($new, $class);
- $new->pager if $attrs->{page};
+ #$new->pager if $attrs->{page};
return $new;
my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
if (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH') {
- $attrs = { %{ pop(@_) } };
+ $attrs = { %$attrs, %{ pop(@_) } };
- my $where = ((@_ == 1 || ref $_[0] eq "HASH") ? shift : {@_});
+ my $where = (@_ ? ((@_ == 1 || ref $_[0] eq "HASH") ? shift : {@_}) : undef());
if (defined $where) {
$where = (defined $attrs->{where}
? { '-and' => [ $where, $attrs->{where} ] }
-sub search_related { }
+sub search_related {
+ my ($self, $rel, @rest) = @_;
+ my $rel_obj = $self->{source}->result_class->_relationships->{$rel};
+ $self->{source}->result_class->throw(
+ "No such relationship ${rel} in search_related")
+ unless $rel_obj;
+ my $r_class = $self->{source}->result_class->resolve_class($rel_obj->{class});
+ my $source = $r_class->result_source;
+ $source = bless({ %{$source} }, ref $source || $source);
+ $source->storage($self->{source}->storage);
+ $source->result_class($r_class);
+ my $rs = $self->search(undef, { join => $rel });
+ #use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($rs);
+ return $source->resultset_class->new(
+ $source, { %{$rs->{attrs}},
+ alias => $rel,
+ select => undef(),
+ as => undef() }
+ )->search(@rest);
=head2 cursor
sub cursor {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($source, $attrs) = @{$self}{qw/source attrs/};
- if ($attrs->{page}) {
- $attrs->{rows} = $self->pager->entries_per_page;
- $attrs->{offset} = $self->pager->skipped;
- }
+ $attrs = { %$attrs };
return $self->{cursor}
||= $source->storage->select($self->{from}, $attrs->{select},
sub slice {
my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} || {} } };
- $self->{source}->result_class->throw("Can't slice without where") unless $attrs->{where};
- $attrs->{offset} = $min;
+ $attrs->{offset} ||= 0;
+ $attrs->{offset} += $min;
$attrs->{rows} = ($max ? ($max - $min + 1) : 1);
my $slice = $self->new($self->{source}, $attrs);
return (wantarray ? $slice->all : $slice);
my (%me, %pre);
foreach my $col (@cols) {
if ($col =~ /([^\.]+)\.([^\.]+)/) {
- $pre{$1}{$2} = shift @row;
+ $pre{$1}[0]{$2} = shift @row;
} else {
$me{$col} = shift @row;
my $self = shift;
return $self->search(@_)->count if @_ && defined $_[0];
die "Unable to ->count with a GROUP BY" if defined $self->{attrs}{group_by};
- unless ($self->{count}) {
+ unless (defined $self->{count}) {
my $attrs = { %{ $self->{attrs} },
select => { 'count' => '*' },
as => [ 'count' ] };
- # offset and order by are not needed to count, page, join and prefetch
- # will get in the way (add themselves to from again ...)
- delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/offset order_by page join prefetch/;
+ # offset, order by and page are not needed to count
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/rows offset order_by page pager/;
- my @cols = 'COUNT(*)';
- ($self->{count}) = $self->search(undef, $attrs)->cursor->next;
+ ($self->{count}) = $self->new($self->{source}, $attrs)->cursor->next;
return 0 unless $self->{count};
- return $self->{pager}->entries_on_this_page if ($self->{pager});
- return ( $self->{attrs}->{rows} && $self->{attrs}->{rows} < $self->{count} )
- ? $self->{attrs}->{rows}
- : $self->{count};
+ my $count = $self->{count};
+ $count -= $self->{attrs}{offset} if $self->{attrs}{offset};
+ $count = $self->{attrs}{rows} if
+ ($self->{attrs}{rows} && $self->{attrs}{rows} < $count);
+ return $count;
=head2 count_literal
sub pager {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attrs = $self->{attrs};
- delete $attrs->{offset};
- my $rows_per_page = delete $attrs->{rows} || 10;
- $self->{pager} ||= Data::Page->new(
- $self->count, $rows_per_page, $attrs->{page} || 1);
- $attrs->{rows} = $rows_per_page;
- return $self->{pager};
+ die "Can't create pager for non-paged rs" unless $attrs->{page};
+ $attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
+ $self->count;
+ return $self->{pager} ||= Data::Page->new(
+ $self->{count}, $attrs->{rows}, $attrs->{page});
=head2 page($page_num)
sub page {
my ($self, $page) = @_;
- my $attrs = $self->{attrs};
+ my $attrs = { %{$self->{attrs}} };
$attrs->{page} = $page;
return $self->new($self->{source}, $attrs);
sub run_tests {
-plan tests => 31;
+plan tests => 33;
my @art = DBICTest->class("Artist")->search({ }, { order_by => 'name DESC'});
my $search = [ { 'tags.tag' => 'Cheesy' }, { 'tags.tag' => 'Blue' } ];
-my $rs = DBICTest->class("CD")->search($search, { join => 'tags' });
+my $or_rs = DBICTest->class("CD")->search($search, { join => 'tags',
+ order_by => 'cdid' });
-cmp_ok($rs->all, '==', 5, 'Search with OR ok');
+cmp_ok($or_rs->count, '==', 5, 'Search with OR ok');
-$rs = DBICTest->class("CD")->search($search, { join => 'tags', distinct => 1 });
+my $distinct_rs = DBICTest->class("CD")->search($search, { join => 'tags', distinct => 1 });
-cmp_ok($rs->all, '==', 4, 'DISTINCT search with OR ok');
+cmp_ok($distinct_rs->all, '==', 4, 'DISTINCT search with OR ok');
+my $tag_rs = DBICTest->class('Tag')->search(
+ [ { 'me.tag' => 'Cheesy' }, { 'me.tag' => 'Blue' } ]);
+my $rel_rs = $tag_rs->search_related('cd');
+cmp_ok($rel_rs->count, '==', 5, 'Related search ok');
+cmp_ok($or_rs->next->cdid, '==', $rel_rs->next->cdid, 'Related object ok');