- Fix on_connect_* not always firing in some cases - a race condition
existed between storage accessor setters and the determine_driver
routines, triggering a connection before the set-cycle is finished
+ - Fix collapse being ignored on single-origin selection (RT#95658)
- Fix failure to detect stable order criteria when in iterator
mode of a has_many prefetch off a search_related chain
- Prevent erroneous database hit when accessing prefetched related
if $source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle');
$attrs = { %{$attrs||{}} };
- delete @{$attrs}{qw(_last_sqlmaker_alias_map _related_results_construction)};
+ delete @{$attrs}{qw(_last_sqlmaker_alias_map _simple_passthrough_construction)};
if ($attrs->{page}) {
$attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
) ? 1 : 0 ) unless defined $self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri};
- if (! $attrs->{_related_results_construction}) {
- # construct a much simpler array->hash folder for the one-table cases right here
+ if ($attrs->{_simple_passthrough_construction}) {
+ # construct a much simpler array->hash folder for the one-table HRI cases right here
if ($self->{_result_inflator}{is_hri}) {
for my $r (@$rows) {
$r = { map { $infmap->[$_] => $r->[$_] } 0..$#$infmap };
push @{$attrs->{select}}, @prefetch_select;
push @{$attrs->{as}}, @prefetch_as;
- # whether we can get away with the dumbest (possibly DBI-internal) collapser
- if ( List::Util::first { $_ =~ /\./ } @{$attrs->{as}} ) {
- $attrs->{_related_results_construction} = 1;
- }
+ $attrs->{_simple_passthrough_construction} = !(
+ $attrs->{collapse}
+ or
+ grep { $_ =~ /\./ } @{$attrs->{as}}
+ );
# if both page and offset are specified, produce a combined offset
# even though it doesn't make much sense, this is what pre 081xx has
# are happy (this includes MySQL in strict_mode)
# If any of the other joined tables are referenced in the group_by
# however - the user is on their own
- ( $prefetch_needs_subquery or $attrs->{_related_results_construction} )
+ ( $prefetch_needs_subquery or ! $attrs->{_simple_passthrough_construction} )
my $outer_attrs = { %$attrs };
delete @{$outer_attrs}{qw(from bind rows offset group_by _grouped_by_distinct having)};
- my $inner_attrs = { %$attrs };
- delete @{$inner_attrs}{qw(for collapse select as _related_results_construction)};
+ my $inner_attrs = { %$attrs, _simple_passthrough_construction => 1 };
+ delete @{$inner_attrs}{qw(for collapse select as)};
# there is no point of ordering the insides if there is no limit
delete $inner_attrs->{order_by} if (
use DBICTest;
-plan tests => 7;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $cds = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({ cdid => 1 }, { join => { cd_to_producer => 'producer' } });
cmp_ok($cds->count, '>', 1, "extra joins explode entity count");
-is (
- $cds->search({}, { prefetch => 'cd_to_producer' })->count,
- 1,
- "Count correct with extra joins collapsed by prefetch"
-is (
- $cds->search({}, { distinct => 1 })->count,
- 1,
- "Count correct with requested distinct collapse of main table"
+for my $arg (
+ [ 'prefetch-collapsed has_many' => { prefetch => 'cd_to_producer' } ],
+ [ 'distict-collapsed result' => { distinct => 1 } ],
+ [ 'explicit collapse request' => { collapse => 1 } ],
+) {
+ for my $hri (0,1) {
+ my $diag = $arg->[0] . ($hri ? ' with HRI' : '');
+ my $rs = $cds->search({}, {
+ %{$arg->[1]},
+ $hri ? ( result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator' ) : (),
+ });
+ is
+ $rs->count,
+ 1,
+ "Count correct on $diag",
+ ;
+ is
+ scalar $rs->all,
+ 1,
+ "Amount of constructed objects matches count on $diag",
+ ;
+ }
# JOIN and LEFT JOIN issues mean that we've seen problems where counted rows and fetched rows are sometimes 1 higher than they should
# be in the related resultset.
my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({artistid => $artist->id});
is($artist_rs->related_resultset('cds')->count(), 0, "No CDs counted for a shiny new artist using a resultset search");
is(scalar($artist_rs->related_resultset('cds')->all), 0, "No CDs fetched for a shiny new artist using a resultset search");