return $ret;
+sub _join_condition_to_hashref {
+ my ($self, $dq) = @_;
+ my (@q, %found) = ($dq);
+ Q: while (my $n = shift @q) {
+ if (is_Operator($n)) {
+ if (($n->{operator}{Perl}||'') =~ /^(?:==|eq)$/) {
+ my ($l, $r) = @{$n->{args}};
+ if (
+ is_Identifier($l) and @{$l->{elements}} == 2
+ and is_Identifier($r) and @{$r->{elements}} == 2
+ ) {
+ ($l, $r) = ($r, $l) if $l->{elements}[0] eq 'self';
+ if (
+ $l->{elements}[0] eq 'foreign'
+ and $r->{elements}[0] eq 'self'
+ ) {
+ $found{$l->{elements}[1]} = $r->{elements}[1];
+ next Q;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (($n->{operator}{Perl}||'') eq 'and') {
+ push @q, @{$n->{args}};
+ next Q;
+ }
+ }
+ # didn't match as 'and' or 'foreign.x = self.y', can't handle this
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return keys %found ? \%found : undef;
# all this does is removes the foreign/self prefix from a condition
sub __strip_relcond {
if (ref($_[1]) eq 'HASH') {
keys %{$_[1]}
} elsif (blessed($_[1]) and $_[1]->isa('Data::Query::ExprBuilder')) {
- my (@q, %found) = ($_[1]->{expr});
- Q: while (my $n = shift @q) {
- if (is_Operator($n)) {
- if (($n->{operator}{Perl}||'') =~ /^(?:==|eq)$/) {
- my ($l, $r) = @{$n->{args}};
- if (
- is_Identifier($l) and @{$l->{elements}} == 2
- and is_Identifier($r) and @{$r->{elements}} == 2
- ) {
- ($l, $r) = ($r, $l) if $l->{elements}[0] eq 'self';
- if (
- $l->{elements}[0] eq 'foreign'
- and $r->{elements}[0] eq 'self'
- ) {
- $found{$l->{elements}[1]} = $r->{elements}[1];
- next Q;
- }
- }
- } elsif (($n->{operator}{Perl}||'') eq 'and') {
- push @q, @{$n->{args}};
- next Q;
- }
- }
- # didn't match as 'and' or 'foreign.x = self.y', can't handle this
- return undef;
- }
- return \%found;
+ return $_[0]->_join_condition_to_hashref($_[1]->{expr});
return undef;
if exists ($relinfo->{attrs}{is_foreign_key_constraint});
my $cond = $relinfo->{cond};
- return 0 unless ref($cond) eq 'HASH';
- # map { => '' } to { bar => 'foo' }
- my $keyhash = { map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/.*\.//; $x; } reverse %$cond };
+ my $keyhash = do {
+ if (ref($cond) eq 'HASH') {
+ # map { => '' } to { bar => 'foo' }
+ +{ map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/.*\.//; $x; } reverse %$cond };
+ } elsif (ref($cond) eq 'REF' and ref($$cond) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $fixed = $self->_join_condition_to_hashref($$cond);
+ return 0 unless $fixed;
+ +{ reverse %$fixed };
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
# assume anything that references our PK probably is dependent on us
# rather than vice versa, unless the far side is (a) defined or (b)
return wantarray ? (\@ret, $crosstable) : \@ret;
elsif (blessed($cond) and $cond->isa('Data::Query::ExprBuilder')) {
- my %cross;
+ my (%cross, $unresolvable);
my $as = blessed($for) ? 'me' : $as;
my $mapped = map_dq_tree {
if (is_Identifier and @{$_->{elements}} == 2) {
} elsif ((ref($thing)||'') eq 'HASH') {
return \perl_scalar_value($thing->{$_->{elements}[1]});
} elsif (blessed($thing)) {
+ unless ($thing->has_column_loaded($_->{elements}[1])) {
+ if ($thing->in_storage) {
+ $self->throw_exception(sprintf
+ "Unable to resolve relationship '%s' from object %s: column '%s' not "
+ . 'loaded from storage (or not passed to new() prior to insert()). You '
+ . 'probably need to call ->discard_changes to get the server-side defaults '
+ . 'from the database.',
+ $as,
+ $thing,
+ $_->{elements}[1]
+ );
+ }
+ $unresolvable = 1;
+ }
return \perl_scalar_value($thing->get_column($_->{elements}[1]));
} else {
die "I have no idea what ${thing} is supposed to be";
return $_;
} $cond->{expr};
+ return $UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION if $unresolvable;
return (wantarray ? (\$mapped, (keys %cross == 2)) : \$mapped);
else {