#use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($attrs);
$attrs = Storable::dclone($attrs || {}); # { %{ $attrs || {} } };
my %seen;
+ # wrong! we cannot delete select/as because it will interfere with the count() method. need to just set alias correctly in the first instance
+ if( $attrs->{from} && $attrs->{alias} eq 'me' ) {
+ my @keys = keys( %{$attrs->{from}->[0]} );
+ $attrs->{alias} = $keys[0];
+ delete $attrs->{select};
+ delete $attrs->{as};
+ #die Dumper $attrs;
+ }
+# alias should be set in accordance with from if alias is not defined or = "me"
+# could also alter the line below instead, i.e. use alias if defined, then get from "from", then class->table, then "me" as a last resort.
my $alias = ($attrs->{alias} ||= 'me');
if (!$attrs->{select}) {
my @cols = ($attrs->{cols}
For a paged resultset, how many rows per page
-=head2 group_by
+=head2 group_by (listref)
-A list of columns to group by (note that 'count' doesn't work on grouped
+A listref of columns to group by (note that 'count' doesn't work on grouped
+ group_by => [qw/ column1 column2 ... /]
=head2 distinct
Set to 1 to group by all columns