'Context::Preserve' => '0.01',
'Try::Tiny' => '0.04',
'namespace::clean' => '0.14',
+ 'Math::Base36' => '0.07',
# this is so we can order requires alphabetically
my (@in_sel, @out_sel, %renamed);
for my $node (@sel) {
if (first { $_ =~ / (?<! $re_alias ) $re_sep /x } ($node->{as}, $node->{unquoted_sql}) ) {
- $node->{as} =~ s/ $re_sep /__/xg;
+ $node->{as} = $self->_unqualify_colname($node->{as});
my $quoted_as = $self->_quote($node->{as});
push @in_sel, sprintf '%s AS %s', $node->{sql}, $quoted_as;
push @out_sel, $quoted_as;
+sub _unqualify_colname {
+ my ($self, $fqcn) = @_;
+ my $re_sep = quotemeta($self->name_sep || '.');
+ $fqcn =~ s/ $re_sep /__/xg;
+ return $fqcn;
# ANSI standard Limit/Offset implementation. DB2 and MSSQL >= 2005 use this
sub _RowNumberOver {
my ($self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
return ($sql, @bind);
+# this takes an identifier and shortens it if necessary
+# optionally keywords can be passed as an arrayref to generate useful
+# identifiers
+sub _shorten_identifier {
+ my ($self, $to_shorten, $keywords) = @_;
+ # 30 characters is the identifier limit for Oracle
+ my $max_len = 30;
+ # we want at least 10 characters of the base36 md5
+ my $min_entropy = 10;
+ my $max_trunc = $max_len - $min_entropy - 1;
+ return $to_shorten
+ if length($to_shorten) <= $max_len;
+ croak 'keywords needs to be an arrayref'
+ if defined $keywords && ref $keywords ne 'ARRAY';
+ # if no keywords are passed use the identifier as one
+ my @keywords = @{$keywords || []};
+ @keywords = $to_shorten unless @keywords;
+ # get a base36 md5 of the identifier
+ require Digest::MD5;
+ require Math::BigInt;
+ require Math::Base36;
+ my $b36sum = Math::Base36::encode_base36(
+ Math::BigInt->from_hex (
+ '0x' . Digest::MD5::md5_hex ($to_shorten)
+ )
+ );
+ # switch from perl to java
+ # get run-length
+ my ($concat_len, @lengths);
+ for (@keywords) {
+ $_ = ucfirst (lc ($_));
+ $_ =~ s/\_+(\w)/uc ($1)/eg;
+ push @lengths, length ($_);
+ $concat_len += $lengths[-1];
+ }
+ # if we are still too long - try to disemvowel non-capitals (not keyword starts)
+ if ($concat_len > $max_trunc) {
+ $concat_len = 0;
+ @lengths = ();
+ for (@keywords) {
+ $_ =~ s/[aeiou]//g;
+ push @lengths, length ($_);
+ $concat_len += $lengths[-1];
+ }
+ }
+ # still too long - just start cuting proportionally
+ if ($concat_len > $max_trunc) {
+ my $trim_ratio = $max_trunc / $concat_len;
+ for my $i (0 .. $#keywords) {
+ $keywords[$i] = substr ($keywords[$i], 0, int ($trim_ratio * $lengths[$i] ) );
+ }
+ }
+ my $fin = join ('', @keywords);
+ my $fin_len = length $fin;
+ return sprintf ('%s_%s',
+ $fin,
+ substr ($b36sum, 0, $max_len - $fin_len - 1),
+ );
+sub _unqualify_colname {
+ my ($self, $fqcn) = @_;
+ return $self->_shorten_identifier($self->next::method($fqcn));
my $alias = $self->next::method(@_);
- return $alias if length($alias) <= 30;
- # get a base64 md5 of the alias with join_count
- require Digest::MD5;
- my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
- $ctx->add($alias);
- my $md5 = $ctx->b64digest;
- # remove alignment mark just in case
- $md5 =~ s/=*\z//;
- # truncate and prepend to truncated relname without vowels
- (my $devoweled = $relname) =~ s/[aeiou]//g;
- my $shortened = substr($devoweled, 0, 18);
- my $new_alias =
- $shortened . '_' . substr($md5, 0, 30 - length($shortened) - 1);
- return $new_alias;
+ return $self->sql_maker->_shorten_identifier($alias, [$relname]);
=head2 with_deferred_fk_checks
isa_ok($sqla_oracle, 'DBIx::Class::SQLAHacks::Oracle');
-my $test_count = ( @handle_tests * 2 ) + 1;
for my $case (@handle_tests) {
my ( $stmt, @bind );
my $msg = sprintf("Offline: %s",
,sprintf("lives is ok from '%s'",$msg));
-# Online Tests?
-$test_count += 0;
+is (
+ $sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('short_id'),
+ 'short_id',
+ '_shorten_identifier for short id without keywords ok'
+is (
+ $sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('short_id', [qw/ foo /]),
+ 'short_id',
+ '_shorten_identifier for short id with one keyword ok'
+is (
+ $sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('short_id', [qw/ foo bar baz /]),
+ 'short_id',
+ '_shorten_identifier for short id with keywords ok'
+is (
+ $sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('very_long_identifier_which_exceeds_the_30char_limit'),
+ 'VryLngIdntfrWhchExc_72M8CIDTM7',
+ '_shorten_identifier without keywords ok',
+is (
+ $sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('very_long_identifier_which_exceeds_the_30char_limit',[qw/ foo /]),
+ 'Foo_72M8CIDTM7KBAUPXG48B22P4E',
+ '_shorten_identifier with one keyword ok',
+is (
+ $sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('very_long_identifier_which_exceeds_the_30char_limit',[qw/ foo bar baz /]),
+ 'FooBarBaz_72M8CIDTM7KBAUPXG48B',
+ '_shorten_identifier with keywords ok',
-done_testing( $test_count );