if (ref $cond eq 'HASH') {
my %j;
for (keys %$cond) {
- my $x = '= '.$self->_quote($cond->{$_}); $j{$_} = \$x;
+ my $v = $cond->{$_};
+ if (ref $v) {
+ # XXX no throw_exception() in this package and croak() fails with strange results
+ Carp::croak(ref($v) . qq{ reference arguments are not supported in JOINS - try using \"..." instead'})
+ if ref($v) ne 'SCALAR';
+ $j{$_} = $v;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $x = '= '.$self->_quote($v); $j{$_} = \$x;
+ }
- return $self->_recurse_where(\%j);
+ return scalar($self->_recurse_where(\%j));
} elsif (ref $cond eq 'ARRAY') {
return join(' OR ', map { $self->_join_condition($_) } @$cond);
} else {
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan $@
? ( skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' )
- : ( tests => 50 );
+ : ( tests => 52 );
# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
is( $sa->_recurse_from(@j4), $match, 'join 4 (nested joins + join types) ok');
+my @j5 = (
+ { child => 'person' },
+ [ { father => 'person' }, { 'father.person_id' => \'!= child.father_id' }, ],
+ [ { mother => 'person' }, { 'mother.person_id' => 'child.mother_id' } ],
+$match = 'person child JOIN person father ON ( father.person_id != '
+ . 'child.father_id ) JOIN person mother ON ( mother.person_id '
+ . '= child.mother_id )'
+ ;
+is( $sa->_recurse_from(@j5), $match, 'join 5 (SCALAR reference for ON statement) ok' );
+my @j6 = (
+ { child => 'person' },
+ [ { father => 'person' }, { 'father.person_id' => { '!=', '42' } }, ],
+ [ { mother => 'person' }, { 'mother.person_id' => 'child.mother_id' } ],
+$match = qr/^\QHASH reference arguments are not supported in JOINS - try using \"..." instead\E/;
+eval { $sa->_recurse_from(@j6) };
+like( $@, $match, 'join 6 (HASH reference for ON statement dies) ok' );
my $rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search(
{ 'year' => 2001, 'artist.name' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
{ from => [ { 'me' => 'cd' },