! DBICTest::RunMode->is_plain
- and
- # FIXME - investigate wtf is going on with 5.18
- ! ( $] > 5.017 and $ENV{DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE} )
) {
# FIXME - ideally we should be able to just populate an alternative
use DBICTest::Util 'stacktrace';
use constant {
CV_TRACING => DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_leaks_heavy'),
- SKIP_SCALAR_REFS => ( $] > 5.017 ) ? 1 : 0,
use base 'Exporter';
for keys %$reg;
- # FIXME/INVESTIGATE - something fishy is going on with refs to plain
- # strings, perhaps something to do with the CoW work etc...
- return $target if SKIP_SCALAR_REFS and reftype($target) eq 'SCALAR';
if (! defined $weak_registry->{$refaddr}{weakref}) {
$weak_registry->{$refaddr} = {
stacktrace => stacktrace(1),
elsif (CV_TRACING and $type eq 'CODE') {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ map {
( !isweak($_) ) ? $_ : ()
- } scalar PadWalker::closed_over($r) ] }); # scalar due to RT#92269
+ } values %{ scalar PadWalker::closed_over($r) } ] }); # scalar due to RT#92269
} or warn "Could not descend into @{[ refdesc $r ]}: $@\n";
my $refs_per_pkg;
- my $dummy_addresslist;
my $seen_refs = {};
action => sub {
$refs_per_pkg->{$pkg} += visit_refs (
seen_refs => $seen_refs,
- # This is so damn odd - if we feed a constsub {1} (or in fact almost
- # anything other than the actionsub below, any scalarref will show
- # up as a leak, trapped by... something...
- # Ideally we should be able to const this to sub{1} and just return
- # $seen_refs (in fact it is identical to the dummy list at the end of
- # a run here). Alas this doesn't seem to work, so punt for now...
- action => sub { ++$dummy_addresslist->{ hrefaddr $_[0] } },
+ action => sub { 1 },
refs => [ map { my $sym = $_;
# *{"$pkg$sym"}{CODE} won't simply work - MRO-cached CVs are invisible there