__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' =>
qw/_connect_info _dbi_connect_info _dbh _sql_maker _sql_maker_opts
_conn_pid _conn_tid disable_sth_caching cursor on_connect_do
- transaction_depth/
+ transaction_depth unsafe/
specify the charecter that seperates elements (schemas, tables, columns) from
each other. In most cases this is simply a C<.>.
+=item unsafe
+This Storage driver normally installs its own C<HandleError>, sets
+C<RaiseError> on, and sets C<PrintError> off on all database handles,
+including those supplied by a coderef. It does this so that it can
+have consistent and useful error behavior.
+If you set this option to a true value, Storage will not do its usual
+modifications to the database handle's C<RaiseError>, C<PrintError>, and
+C<HandleError> attributes, and instead relies on the settings in your
+connect_info DBI options (or the values you set in your connection
+coderef, in the case that you are connecting via coderef).
+Note that your custom settings can cause Storage to malfunction,
+especially if you set a C<HandleError> handler that suppresses exceptions
+and/or disable C<RaiseError>.
These options can be mixed in with your other L<DBI> connection attributes,
these options will be cleared before setting the new ones, regardless of
whether any options are specified in the new C<connect_info>.
-Important note: DBIC expects the returned database handle provided by
-a subref argument to have RaiseError set on it. If it doesn't, things
-might not work very well, YMMV. If you don't use a subref, DBIC will
-force this setting for you anyways. Setting HandleError to anything
-other than simple exception object wrapper might cause problems too.
Another Important Note:
DBIC can do some wonderful magic with handling exceptions,
my $last_info = $dbi_info->[-1];
if(ref $last_info eq 'HASH') {
- for my $storage_opt (qw/on_connect_do disable_sth_caching/) {
+ for my $storage_opt (qw/on_connect_do disable_sth_caching unsafe/) {
if(my $value = delete $last_info->{$storage_opt}) {
my ($self, @info) = @_;
$self->throw_exception("You failed to provide any connection info")
- if !@info;
+ if !@info;
my ($old_connect_via, $dbh);
if ($INC{'Apache/DBI.pm'} && $ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
- $old_connect_via = $DBI::connect_via;
- $DBI::connect_via = 'connect';
+ $old_connect_via = $DBI::connect_via;
+ $DBI::connect_via = 'connect';
eval {
else {
$dbh = DBI->connect(@info);
- $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
- $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
- $dbh->{PrintWarn} = 0;
+ }
+ if(!$self->unsafe) {
+ $dbh->{HandleError} = sub {
+ $self->throw_exception("DBI Exception: $_[0]")
+ };
+ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+ $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
$self->debugobj->query_start($sql, @debug_bind);
- my $sth = eval { $self->sth($sql,$op) };
- $self->throw_exception("no sth generated via sql ($@): $sql") if $@;
+ my $sth = $self->sth($sql,$op);
- my $rv = eval {
- my $placeholder_index = 1;
+ my $placeholder_index = 1;
- foreach my $bound (@$bind) {
- my $attributes = {};
- my($column_name, @data) = @$bound;
+ foreach my $bound (@$bind) {
+ my $attributes = {};
+ my($column_name, @data) = @$bound;
- if ($bind_attributes) {
- $attributes = $bind_attributes->{$column_name}
- if defined $bind_attributes->{$column_name};
- }
+ if ($bind_attributes) {
+ $attributes = $bind_attributes->{$column_name}
+ if defined $bind_attributes->{$column_name};
+ }
- foreach my $data (@data) {
- $data = ref $data ? ''.$data : $data; # stringify args
+ foreach my $data (@data) {
+ $data = ref $data ? ''.$data : $data; # stringify args
- $sth->bind_param($placeholder_index, $data, $attributes);
- $placeholder_index++;
- }
+ $sth->bind_param($placeholder_index, $data, $attributes);
+ $placeholder_index++;
- $sth->execute();
- };
+ }
- $self->throw_exception("Error executing '$sql': " . ($@ || $sth->errstr))
- if $@ || !$rv;
+ # Can this fail without throwing an exception anyways???
+ my $rv = $sth->execute();
+ $self->throw_exception($sth->errstr) if !$rv;
if ($self->debug) {
my @debug_bind =
my $ident = $source->from;
my $bind_attributes = $self->source_bind_attributes($source);
- eval { $self->_execute('insert' => [], $source, $bind_attributes, $to_insert) };
- $self->throw_exception(
- "Couldn't insert ".join(', ',
- map "$_ => $to_insert->{$_}", keys %$to_insert
- )." into ${ident}: $@"
- ) if $@;
+ $self->_execute('insert' => [], $source, $bind_attributes, $to_insert);
return $to_insert;
# @bind = map { ref $_ ? ''.$_ : $_ } @bind; # stringify args
- my $rv;
## This must be an arrayref, else nothing works!
my $tuple_status = [];
##use Data::Dumper;
##print STDERR Dumper( $data, $sql, [@bind] );
- if ($sth) {
- my $time = time();
- ## Get the bind_attributes, if any exist
- my $bind_attributes = $self->source_bind_attributes($source);
+ my $time = time();
- ## Bind the values and execute
- $rv = eval {
- my $placeholder_index = 1;
+ ## Get the bind_attributes, if any exist
+ my $bind_attributes = $self->source_bind_attributes($source);
- foreach my $bound (@bind) {
+ ## Bind the values and execute
+ my $placeholder_index = 1;
- my $attributes = {};
- my ($column_name, $data_index) = @$bound;
+ foreach my $bound (@bind) {
- if( $bind_attributes ) {
- $attributes = $bind_attributes->{$column_name}
- if defined $bind_attributes->{$column_name};
- }
+ my $attributes = {};
+ my ($column_name, $data_index) = @$bound;
- my @data = map { $_->[$data_index] } @$data;
+ if( $bind_attributes ) {
+ $attributes = $bind_attributes->{$column_name}
+ if defined $bind_attributes->{$column_name};
+ }
- $sth->bind_param_array( $placeholder_index, [@data], $attributes );
- $placeholder_index++;
- }
- $sth->execute_array( {ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status} );
+ my @data = map { $_->[$data_index] } @$data;
- };
- if ($@ || !defined $rv) {
- my $errors = '';
- foreach my $tuple (@$tuple_status) {
- $errors .= "\n" . $tuple->[1] if(ref $tuple);
- }
- $self->throw_exception("Error executing '$sql': ".($@ || $errors));
- }
- } else {
- $self->throw_exception("'$sql' did not generate a statement.");
+ $sth->bind_param_array( $placeholder_index, [@data], $attributes );
+ $placeholder_index++;
+ my $rv = $sth->execute_array({ArrayTupleStatus => $tuple_status});
+ $self->throw_exception($sth->errstr) if !$rv;
if ($self->debug) {
my @debug_bind = map { defined $_ ? qq{`$_'} : q{`NULL'} } @bind;
$self->debugobj->query_end($sql, @debug_bind);
# XXX You would think RaiseError would make this impossible,
# but apparently that's not true :(
- die $dbh->errstr if !$sth;
+ $self->throw_exception($dbh->errstr) if !$sth;