use base qw/DBIx::Class::Componentised DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup/;
use DBIx::Class::Exception;
-use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( uniq refdesc visit_namespaces );
-use Scalar::Util qw( weaken refaddr );
-use namespace::clean;
-__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors(inherited => '_skip_namespace_frames');
+__PACKAGE__->mk_classaccessor( _skip_namespace_frames =>
+ '^DBIx::Class|^SQL::Abstract|^Try::Tiny|^Class::Accessor::Grouped|^Context::Preserve|^Moose::Meta::'
# FIXME - this is not really necessary, and is in
# fact going to slow things down a bit
sub component_base_class { 'DBIx::Class' }
-my $attr_cref_registry;
-sub DBIx::Class::__Attr_iThreads_handler__::CLONE {
- # this is disgusting, but the best we can do without even more surgery
- visit_namespaces( action => sub {
- my $pkg = shift;
- # skip dangerous namespaces
- return 1 if $pkg =~ /^ (?:
- DB | next | B | .+? ::::ISA (?: ::CACHE ) | Class::C3
- ) $/x;
- no strict 'refs';
- if (
- exists ${"${pkg}::"}{__cag___attr_cache}
- and
- ref( my $attr_stash = ${"${pkg}::__cag___attr_cache"} ) eq 'HASH'
- ) {
- $attr_stash->{ $attr_cref_registry->{$_}{weakref} } = delete $attr_stash->{$_}
- for keys %$attr_stash;
- }
- return 1;
- });
- # renumber the cref registry itself
- %$attr_cref_registry = map {
- ( defined $_->{weakref} )
- ? (
- # because of how __attr_cache works, ugh
- "$_->{weakref}" => $_,
- )
- : ()
- } values %$attr_cref_registry;
- my ($class,$code,@attrs) = @_;
- $class->mk_classaccessor('__attr_cache' => {})
- unless $class->can('__attr_cache');
- # compaction step
- defined $attr_cref_registry->{$_}{weakref} or delete $attr_cref_registry->{$_}
- for keys %$attr_cref_registry;
- # The original API used stringification instead of refaddr - can't change that now
- if( $attr_cref_registry->{$code} ) {
- Carp::confess( sprintf
- "Coderefs '%s' and '%s' stringify to the same value '%s': nothing will work",
- refdesc($code),
- refdesc($attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref}),
- "$code"
- ) if refaddr($attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref}) != refaddr($code);
- }
- else {
- weaken( $attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref} = $code )
- }
- $class->__attr_cache->{$code} = [ sort( uniq(
- @{ $class->__attr_cache->{$code} || [] },
- @attrs,
- ))];
- # FIXME - DBIC essentially gobbles up any attribute it can lay its hands on:
- # decidedly not cool
- #
- # There should be some sort of warning on unrecognized attributes or
- # somesuch... OTOH people do use things in the wild hence the plan of action
- # is anything but clear :/
- #
- #
- #
- #
- #
- return ();
- my ($class,$code) = @_;
- @{ $class->_attr_cache->{$code} || [] }
-sub _attr_cache {
- my $self = shift;
- +{
- %{ $self->can('__attr_cache') ? $self->__attr_cache : {} },
- %{ $self->maybe::next::method || {} },
- };
# *DO NOT* change this URL nor the identically named =head1 below
# it is linked throughout the ecosystem
sub DBIx::Class::_ENV_::HELP_URL () {
use strict;
use warnings;
-use base qw/Class::Accessor::Grouped/;
+use base qw( DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes Class::Accessor::Grouped );
use mro 'c3';
use Scalar::Util qw/weaken blessed/;
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( uniq refdesc visit_namespaces );
+use Scalar::Util qw( weaken refaddr );
+use mro 'c3';
+use namespace::clean;
+my $attr_cref_registry;
+sub DBIx::Class::__Attr_iThreads_handler__::CLONE {
+ # This is disgusting, but the best we can do without even more surgery
+ visit_namespaces( action => sub {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ # skip dangerous namespaces
+ return 1 if $pkg =~ /^ (?:
+ DB | next | B | .+? ::::ISA (?: ::CACHE ) | Class::C3
+ ) $/x;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ if (
+ exists ${"${pkg}::"}{__cag___attr_cache}
+ and
+ ref( my $attr_stash = ${"${pkg}::__cag___attr_cache"} ) eq 'HASH'
+ ) {
+ $attr_stash->{ $attr_cref_registry->{$_}{weakref} } = delete $attr_stash->{$_}
+ for keys %$attr_stash;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ });
+ # renumber the cref registry itself
+ %$attr_cref_registry = map {
+ ( defined $_->{weakref} )
+ ? (
+ # because of how __attr_cache works, ugh
+ "$_->{weakref}" => $_,
+ )
+ : ()
+ } values %$attr_cref_registry;
+ my ($class,$code,@attrs) = @_;
+ $class->mk_classaccessor('__attr_cache' => {})
+ unless $class->can('__attr_cache');
+ # compaction step
+ defined $attr_cref_registry->{$_}{weakref} or delete $attr_cref_registry->{$_}
+ for keys %$attr_cref_registry;
+ # The original misc-attr API used stringification instead of refaddr - can't change that now
+ if( $attr_cref_registry->{$code} ) {
+ Carp::confess( sprintf
+ "Coderefs '%s' and '%s' stringify to the same value '%s': nothing will work",
+ refdesc($code),
+ refdesc($attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref}),
+ "$code"
+ ) if refaddr($attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref}) != refaddr($code);
+ }
+ else {
+ weaken( $attr_cref_registry->{$code}{weakref} = $code )
+ }
+ $class->__attr_cache->{$code} = [ sort( uniq(
+ @{ $class->__attr_cache->{$code} || [] },
+ @attrs,
+ ))];
+ # FIXME - DBIC essentially gobbles up any attribute it can lay its hands on:
+ # decidedly not cool
+ #
+ # There should be some sort of warning on unrecognized attributes or
+ # somesuch... OTOH people do use things in the wild hence the plan of action
+ # is anything but clear :/
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ return ();
+ my ($class,$code) = @_;
+ @{ $class->_attr_cache->{$code} || [] }
+sub _attr_cache {
+ my $self = shift;
+ +{
+ %{ $self->can('__attr_cache') ? $self->__attr_cache : {} },
+ %{ $self->maybe::next::method || {} },
+ };
my $exceptions = {
'DBIx::Class' => {
ignore => [qw/
- inject_base
- mk_classdata
- mk_classaccessor
'DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies' => {
'DBIx::Class::Admin::*' => { skip => 1 },
'DBIx::Class::ClassResolver::PassThrough' => { skip => 1 },
+ 'DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes' => { skip => 1 },
'DBIx::Class::Componentised' => { skip => 1 },
'DBIx::Class::AccessorGroup' => { skip => 1 },
'DBIx::Class::Relationship::*' => { skip => 1 },
+ DBIx::Class::MethodAttributes