- Fix corner case of forked children disconnecting the parents DBI
- Fix leakage of $schema on in-memory new_related() calls
+ - Remove useless vestigial pessimization in Ordered.pm for cases
+ when the position column is part of a unique constraint
* Misc
- Codebase is now trailing-whitespace-free
$ord = 'desc';
- my $shift_rs = $self->_group_rs-> search ({ $position_column => { -between => \@between } });
- # some databases (sqlite) are dumb and can not do a blanket
- # increment/decrement. So what we do here is check if the
- # position column is part of a unique constraint, and do a
- # one-by-one update if this is the case
- # Also we do a one-by-one if the position is part of the PK
- # since once we update a column via scalarref we lose the
- # ability to retrieve this column back (we do not know the
- # id anymore)
- my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
- # set in case there are more cascades combined with $rs->update => $rs_update_all overrides
- local $rsrc->schema->{_ORDERED_INTERNAL_UPDATE} = 1;
- my @pcols = $rsrc->primary_columns;
- my $pos_is_pk = first { $_ eq $position_column } @pcols;
- if (
- $pos_is_pk
- or
- first { $_ eq $position_column } ( map { @$_ } (values %{{ $rsrc->unique_constraints }} ) )
- ) {
- my $cursor = $shift_rs->search (
- {}, { order_by => { "-$ord", $position_column }, select => [$position_column, @pcols] }
- )->cursor;
- my $rs = $self->result_source->resultset;
- my @all_data = $cursor->all;
- while (my $data = shift @all_data) {
- my $pos = shift @$data;
- my $cond;
- for my $i (0.. $#pcols) {
- $cond->{$pcols[$i]} = $data->[$i];
- }
- $rs->find($cond)->update ({ $position_column => $pos + ( ($op eq '+') ? 1 : -1 ) });
- }
- }
- else {
- $shift_rs->update ({ $position_column => \ "$position_column $op 1" } );
- }
+ $self->_group_rs
+ ->search ({ $position_column => { -between => \@between } })
+ ->update ({ $position_column => \ "$position_column $op 1" } );