use Test::Warn;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
+use DBIC::DebugObj;
package A::Comp;
- package DBICTest::UTF8::Debugger;
- use base 'DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics';
- __PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors(simple => 'call_stack');
- sub query_start {
- my $self = shift;
- my $sql = shift;
- my @bind = map { substr $_, 1, -1 } (@_); # undo the effect of _fix_bind_params
- $self->call_stack ( [ @{$self->call_stack || [] }, [$sql, @bind] ] );
- $self->next::method ($sql, @_);
- }
# as per
binmode (Test::More->builder->$_, ':utf8') for qw/output failure_output todo_output/;
cmp_ok ($bytestream_title, 'ne', $utf8_title, 'unicode/raw differ (sanity check)');
my $storage = $schema->storage;
-$storage->debugobj (DBICTest::UTF8::Debugger->new);
-$storage->debugobj->silence (1);
+my ($sql, @bind);
+my $debugobj = DBIC::DebugObj->new (\$sql, \@bind);
+my ($orig_debug, $orig_debugobj) = ($storage->debug, $storage->debugobj);
+$storage->debugobj ($debugobj);
$storage->debug (1);
my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create( { artist => 1, title => $utf8_title, year => '2048' } );
-# bind values are always alphabetically ordered by column, thus [2]
+$storage->debugobj ($orig_debugobj);
+$storage->debug ($orig_debug);
+# bind values are always alphabetically ordered by column, thus [1]
+# the single quotes are an artefact of the debug-system
local $TODO = "This has been broken since rev 1191, Mar 2006";
- is ($storage->debugobj->call_stack->[-1][2], $bytestream_title, 'INSERT: raw bytes sent to the database');
+ is ($bind[1], "'$bytestream_title'", 'INSERT: raw bytes sent to the database');
# this should be using the cursor directly, no inflation/processing of any sort
$bytestream_title = $utf8_title = "something \x{219} else";
+$storage->debugobj ($debugobj);
+$storage->debug (1);
$cd->update ({ title => $utf8_title });
-is ($storage->debugobj->call_stack->[-1][1], $bytestream_title, 'UPDATE: raw bytes sent to the database');
+$storage->debugobj ($orig_debugobj);
+$storage->debug ($orig_debug);
+is ($bind[0], "'$bytestream_title'", 'UPDATE: raw bytes sent to the database');
($raw_db_title) = $schema->resultset('CD')
->search ($cd->ident_condition)