my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 106;
+plan tests => 105;
eval { require DateTime::Format::SQLite };
my $NO_DTFM = $@ ? 1 : 0;
is ($collapsed_or_rs->count, 4, 'Collapsed search count with OR ok');
my $pref_or_rs = $collapsed_or_rs->search ({}, { prefetch => [qw/tags/] });
-is_same_sql_bind (
- $pref_or_rs->as_query,
- '(SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track, tags.tagid,, tags.tag FROM cd me LEFT JOIN tags tags ON = me.cdid WHERE ( ( tags.tag = ? OR tags.tag = ? ) ) GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track, tags.tagid,, tags.tag ORDER BY cdid,, tags.tag)',
- [
- [ 'tags.tag' => 'Cheesy' ],
- [ 'tags.tag' => 'Blue' ],
- ],
- 'Prefetch + distinct resulted in correct group_by',
is ($pref_or_rs->all, 4, 'Prefetched grouped search with OR returned correct number of rows');
is ($pref_or_rs->count, 4, 'Prefetched grouped count with OR ok');
my $tcount = $schema->resultset('Track')->search(