B<NOTE:> If you specify a C<prefetch> attribute, the C<join> and C<select>
attributes will be ignored.
+=over 4
+=item * Prefetch uses the cache to populate the prefetched relationships. This
+may or may not be what you want.
+=item * If you specify a condition on a prefetched relationship, ONLY those
+rows that match the prefetched condition will be fetched into that relationship.
+This means that adding prefetch to a search() B<may alter> what is returned by
+traversing a relationship. So, if you have C<Foo->has_many(Bar)> and you do
+ my $foo_rs = Foo->search({
+ 'bar.col1' => $value,
+ });
+ my $count = $foo_rs->first->bars->count;
+ my $foo_rs_prefetch = $foo_rs->search( {}, { prefetch => 'bars' } );
+ my $prefetch_count = $foo_rs_prefetch->first->bars->count;
+ cmp_ok( $count, '==', $prefetch_count, "Counts should be the same" );
+that cmp_ok() may or may not pass depending on the datasets involved.
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